EDF 6 / Earth Defense Force 6 Weapons Farming Guide - Inferno (2024)

In second thought it may be interesting with Ranger on Easy and Normal with level 66 Probe Type 5 for armor farming. However farming armor is not my thing, so...

Mission 140 / 134.5 - Air Raider best class online even solo or offline, Ranger second one - Medium

Although the glitch is not difficult to do, installing the shields for the Air Raider is harder to learn. You should this on easy to learn how to do both movements effectively.

Ranger needs at least 3k armor for offline success (same as AR without shields), as each cannonball Large Android blast does that damage and you can't avoid them anywhere inside the ground area.

Both need some specific weapons, and although it will work with hard-class weapons it will be hard.

It seems that you need to be looking to the ground before making the emote in the Asian and Western versions. I don't own either, but there are comments on the videos talking about success that way. Thanks to the players who tested that.

Usually, there will be an android stuck on a building in the front map border that will survive until the end of the mission, so crates picking can be a really easy job.

It becomes pretty easy once you've done it a few times.

The mission is also good to do normally with Air Raider, Fencer or Wing Diver and is not that difficult.

One of the best missions in the campaign, and that helps in playing it.

Air Raider cheesing through the door, using shields, online solo (offline equal and easier), difficult to get going but obviously the best once you can do it:


Mission 109 - Air Raider best class, Wing Diver and Fencer very good options, Ranger still viable - Medium, exceptional quantity weapons drops

Weapons range 62-89

Mission 109 is the รผber mission for weapons crate drops. Crates, crates, tons of crates. Crates galore.Crates nirvana. The number is so high, that you'll surely miss a lot of them, as the map crates limit is reached fairly quickly and it's difficult to keep up with the pace of drops.

The mission is tremendously fun to play and even if it can seem daunting at first it's easy to do once you get used to it. There are also several ways to deal with the mission which makes it even more fun.

The goal is mostly to survive until the 6 super duper mega powerful NPC Proteus arrive sometime after the 5th wave. Once they do it's a massacre of all enemies on the map. For this reason, it's also the mission with the most awesome ending, by far.

The final dialog of the mission is unusually pretty long, so WD and Fencer with good mobility can make a clean sweep of the huge number of weapon crates on the map. AR and Ranger will have more trouble with pick-up.

Air Raider:


Wing Diver:

Mission 135 - All classes - Medium to hard difficulty

Weapons range 71-95

Tons of crates. And an awesome and quick mission like 109. Another of my favorites in EDF 6, total mayhem and chaotic, but so much fun once you can do it. And it's not that hard.

Like in 109, the awesome red shots Proteus rock. Even "only" 2.

Air Raider:


Wing Diver:

Mission 145 - Air Raider - Hard but with a farmable spawner

Weapons range 74-95

And surprise of surprises, 145 is not that hard and can be infinitely farmable. AR is the class that can easily achieve this (WD can too but painful to pick crates due to movement restrictions). The biggest surprise is that in the last wave you can leave one of the tail anchors dropping red androids and the giant pylon dropping alternatively a new queen ant and a new king and amazingly even the 4 NPCs squads will kill these alone if necessary. So you can just lazily walk around picking crates and leave the hard work to them.

NPCs have all invincibility traits and will respawn once there are no aggroed enemies.

Ranger and Fencer don't have an easy life on this mission, so not good options.

NPCs rock on EDF 6!

Air Raider farming:

Other Options:

It's not only high-end weapons that are interesting, some below 70 are pretty good and useful too. Some missions sadly drop very few crates and will make farming a bore. Also, some more troublesome missions will be very interesting due to the ratio crates / time. So other options for lower weapons or are very productive once you have some experience and reasonable weaponry:

Mission 51 - All classes

Weapons range 42-69

Quite easy, just run away, kill groups of enemies with an explosive weapon, lots of crates but difficult to pick all.

Fencer with low specs weapons:


Mission 52 - Air Raider, Vesta rocks

Weapons range 42-69

Quite easy with AR and Vesta attacks. Burn Krulls, and destroy pods and pick crates while they die. Pods usually provide a good number of weapons crates, so interesting becasue of that.


Mission 63 - All classes even with hard class weapons -Easy butterrible for efficiency

Weapons range 46-73

Quite easy, get all NPCs, just run away, lots of crates but difficult to pick all or even many. Try to keep feeding NPCs, besides picking weapon crates. 128 crate limit will be reached many times. Timed mission.

Air Raider in HARD, but Inferno is the same drill:


Mission 97 - Air Raider, Fencer, Wing Diver - Easy butterrible for efficiency

Weapons range 58-85

Another running away and just pick crates mission, but like the 63 very difficult to be efficient. NPCs will likely handle enemies, just be careful that when Siren arrives because you'll likely die if you're not far from the main blast. Timed mission.

Air Raider no shooting run:


Mission 99 - Ranger stellar and fun here

Weapons range 58-85

Medium difficulty mission, with a good number of crates, can be farmable but not very interesting for that. Ranger fits like a glove here, best class to do it.



Wing Diver:


Mission 116 - ZZZEzzzzazzzzsy

Weapons range 65-90

An extremely boring, long and tedious (to me at least) scripted mission. A rehash of an EDF 5 mission. Slow and long as hell and drops very few weapon crates, so with a dreadful time efficiency ratio. But an EDF "pros" and "experts" favorite.

If you want to fall asleep while farming, this is the place.

Mission 138 / 40.5

Weapons range 72-95

Another extremely boring and tedious (to me at least) mission. A cave mission where all enemies are ants in an egg state. The only different enemy is a Golden Queen Ant stuck in a room, and being a Queen Ant you can expect all the usual craziness of dying by being hit through walls, and quite far too. Quite a few goldies, so death in a split second is always possible. Being an EDF cave mission you can expect the usual engine crap, so dying from attacks going through walls and floors is common, particularly from the Queen Ant. Ranger is stellar here, but not a surprise, he's now the best class on cave missions.

Sadly very few crates, my usual runs on it yield 5 or fewer crates. And it takes some time, so a very low efficiency ratio. But another EDF "pros" and "experts" favorite.

Ranger with hard class weapons:


DLC 1 - Lost Days - Weapons Farming

DLC 1 introduces new enemies and 18 missions (19 is bogus). A few good missions and most were not even hard, I was able to do all except the cave one with the Air Raider with my standard 1k armor without many troubles and without using DLC weapons. On the cave mission, as expected, Ranger was now king (and AR sucks), but it's still a peachy mission.

However, DLC 1 presents the following problems:

- new enemies are peachy as hell, and in particular Air Raider's vehicles get trashed by them in no time; blue bees and spiders can one-shot you in the blink of an eye at 1k or 2k armor, and the giant pillbugs can trash 30k+ armor of a Nyx in a single hit.

- all new enemies will provide little to no crates, and weapon ones are in deplorable numbers for most missions in DLC 1

- if the game played quite well on the PS4 during the main campaign, it must be said that you'll experience some remarkable slowdowns on most DLC missions, which sadly was expected due to the huge numbers, size and complexity of enemies, and their attacks.

- sadly missions up to 6 only provide weapons up to level 103, so really very uninteresting for farming. Only missions from 9 onwards are better as they can provide crates in the whole DLC 1 range

- remember that the higher the mission, the bigger the chance of getting a more starred upgrade

Nope, nothing like EDF 5's DLC 1-11... ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜‹

So, the only interesting early missions would be 6 for farming a transport dropping drones but the weapons max level is very low, 13 which has the new naked speedy cosmos and 14 which has a large number of enemies but crates will be too spread and likely the mission will end before you pick up them all. But even these take too much time for little rewards, in quantity and level (UPDATE partially wrong, 13 is not that bad with some cheesy runs).

The best missions for farming in DLC 1 are by far and sadly 17 and 18, and Air Raider as usual is THE class to do that.

If you find 17 and 18 too hard or long, you can still go for these options, which are marred by few to very few weapon crates, and would be:

- 16, which is hardish, but short, Air Raider is still the best class even without DLC weapons, Fencer and Wing Diver can sort of do it

- 15, which is hardish and long, Ranger even without DLC weapons is stellar here like in most cave missions

- 14 , which is hard and short, Air Raider even without DLC weapons is king again, Ranger a far second best, crates too spread and difficult to pick

- 13, which can be done by all classes with some patience more or less easily even without DLC weapons, but takes 15-20 minutes and rewards are miserable (5 or so crates ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„) UPDATE - see below...

If you search I have (or will) videos of them all, just not listed in the Weapons Farming playlist for obvious reasons.

I strongly advise players to farm DLC 2 instead if you have it, as there are way easier missions there, depending on class, faster and with better rewards.

VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE. This is wrong! You can't get DLC 1 weapons in DLC 2 missions in EDF 6 (unlike EDF 5). So weapons in ranges 100-106 can ONLY be acquiredand upgraded on DLC 1 missions. Even more stupid, there are level 106 weapons that belong to DLC 1 andlevel 106 weapons that belong to DLC 2.

And there are many good ones for all classes in the DLC 1 range...

You can check here the DLC weapons, and which are on DLC 1 and 2. Use a browser with translation capabilities (Chrome, Edge, Maxthon...):


DLC 1 Mission 13- Fencer, Wing Diver - Easy

Weapons range 83-106

The mission is fun to do, but I was not a fan of farming it since it takes too much time, for little rewards. However, there is a way to do it in an easy and fast way, by staying on a specific place. Then usually cosmos will follow a path that will put them in front of you where you can massacre them with ease. However easy this is, it's unreliable and that's why I list it as easy and not very easy. A miserable number of crates, usually less than 10, but the short time does compensate. It's also nice to just see the dumb cosmos being wasted.

And yes, compared to the other 2 DLC 1 possible farming missions it's easy as pie.

Fencer without DLC weapons:


Wing Diver without DLC weapons:


DLC 1 Mission 17 - Air Raider - Hard and slow, Ranger and Wing Diver - Harder and slower

Weapons range 86-106

This mission is interesting to farm because you can have a lot of Electric King Spiders spawn 2 times and these drop large quantities of crates, and a few weapons crates per King usually. I think the jp wiki is wrong on this one and incomplete. As you damage the large cocoon, you'll get 3 special spawns, and the number of enemies coming is dependent on the number of smaller cocoons not destroyed. You start with 6 cocoons.

The first special spawn is "only" blue spiders, the second Electric King Spiders, and the third Electric King Spiders and blue spiders at the same time. All these waves are hectic, with the third being very hectic. The Air Raider is by far the only class that can handle them with some speed.

Wing Diver and Fencer can do it too, but they will take forever if they take the risk of destroying the large nest first.

So the idea is to destroy first the large cocoon and leave the small ones alone. Slightly nasty or not, it's your best bet for getting large quantities of weapon crates in DLC 1.

As to the jp wiki suggestions that the mission is dead easy to do with initial health, well these people are smoking something really strong. Blue spiders are extremely fast and sneaky, and they can hit you in a snap from half the map away and "unexpectedly" through walls, at initial health one attack and you die. Only if you're EXTREMELY careful and take 2-3 hours to do the mission, and even then an accident can always happen, this is insane. And never by dealing with the huge hive first. Sadly most of EDF 6 jp wiki content besides the mission data (enemy spawn, etc) is stupid or ridiculous, in striking contrast to what is written in the 4.1 content which was usually pretty good.

Farming this mission efficiently is completely a balance between picking all crates and milking all Kings spawns. Without that, it's a big waste of time.

The map limit will be reached at least 2 times. If you farm all the Kings and they usually drop 6 crates at least, from the 20 available you'll have 120 crates. More than half the weapon crates you'll get from this mission will come from the King Spiders.

Air Raider is by far the best class for farming this mission efficiently, particularly if using the DLC 2 Blacker E11 for more efficient and faster crates pickup. Ranger is the second with the caveat of needing DLC 2 stuff. WD can do it but she has more problems than either of these 2.

Fencer is NOT efficient here, so he sucks for farming this mission. He's by far the best on the most interesting farming DLC 2 mission though, and that's how the game is anyway, some classes are stellar on some missions, and lousy on others.

Air Raider no DLC weapons run:


Air Raider better run with DLC 2 Blacker E11, read DLC 2 farming details:


Ranger with DLC 2 weapons efficient run:


Wing Diver no DLC weapons efficient run:

Part 1:


Part 2:


DLC 1 Mission 18- Air Raider - Hard

Weapons range 87-106

Another mission that seems awful but can be done reliably without too many issues, but again only the Air Raider can manage that feat, even using non-DLC weapons.

DLC 2 - Lost Days - Weapons Farming

DLC 2 introduces new enemies and 40 missions. Many DLC 2 missions are absolute hell for some or all classes on solo, with a huge spike in difficulty from half the way onwards. Don't worry there are peachy missions before reaching that point too.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‚

Since many DLC 2 missions are based on a single or dual enemy type, many are on city maps, and many of the enemies can't destroy buildings, this does make it possible to cheese them and farm several missions efficiently. There are a lot more interesting farming missions in DLC 2 than in 1, and a lot of them are much easier than most DLC 1 ones, and even main campaign ones too. Ridiculous, but true.

However, DLC 2 still presents the following problems:

- new enemies are peachy as hell, and in particular Air Raider's vehicles get trashed by them in no time; blue bees, spiders, nakers, drones, krulls and krakens can one-shot you in the blink of an eye at 1k or 2k armor, the giant pillbugs can trash 30k+ armor of a Nyx in a single hit and giant blue bees now destroy buildings and do massive damage.

- all new enemies will provide little to no crates, and weapon ones are in deplorable numbers for most missions in DLC 2

- if the game played quite well on the PS4 during the main campaign, it must be said that you'll experience some remarkable slowdowns on most DLC missions, which sadly was expected due to the huge numbers, size and complexity of enemies, and their attacks.

- sadly missions up to 8 only provide weapons up to level 109, so really very uninteresting for farming. Missions from 25 onwards are better as they can provide crates in the range of 106-115

- remember that the higher the mission, the bigger the chance of getting a more starred upgrade

There is only one level 117 weapon, and one level 116, and both are for Ranger.

There are 10 level 115 weapons between all classes. There are no level 113 and 114 weapons.

There are 21 level 112 weapons, which was the highest level on EDF 5, 9 level 111 ones, 14 level 110 ones, 1 level 109 (Ranger's M9 Raven), 12 level 108 ones, 26 level 107 ones and 15 level 106 ones (there are 9 level 106 weapons on DLC 1).

To get the last weapon and maximize it, the level 117 one, you'll have to play missions from 33 onwards. Sadly the only mission that is interesting and approachable for farming is 37, and only one class is efficient there in speed and pickups.

From mission 18 onwards things do get more interesting, as level 112 weapons can be obtained and there are several good level 112 ones. More correctly from level 110 onwards there's some really good stuff, and you can get those from mission 10 onwards.

There are 3 VERY important weapons you should try to get ASAP (RNGesus needs to cooperate) that will help a LOT in items acquisition:

- the level 111 Blacker E11 for Air Raider


- level 108 Caliban Armored Rescue Vehicle Early (compared to E11 more acquisition range, slightly better speed, more than twice armor, but no defense or attack which sucks badly for most missions)

- the level 111 Rescue Skeleton enhancement for Fencer

These 3 items have a huge item acquisition range and they help a LOT in farming missions. Don't be too excited about the Blacker though, it's a tank and tanks are trash on any map with tons of rubble. Or any map with anything to be more correct. Part of Sandlot's, mostly successful, plan to ruin the Air Raider.

DLC 2 Mission 2 - Air Raider

Weapons range 82-99 + 106-107

Easy mission for Air Raider, and with a reasonable number of crates. The problem is that the mission is too low and only weapons of levels 106 and 107 can be acquired, besides below 99 ones. So sadly, not very interesting.

DLC 2 Mission 7 - Ranger, Air Raider

Weapons range 83-99 + 106-108

A favorite for many people, but I find it uninteresting and not profilic.

A mission where Ranger and Air Raider can do the go through a door trick ร  la 140 / 134.5 way, in this case, the huge building in front of them. The problem is that the mission is again too low and only weapons of levels 106, 107 and 108 can be acquired, besides those below 99. So sadly, not very interesting either.

DLC 2 Mission 10 - Ranger - Very Easy, Air Raider -Easy

Weapons range 84-99 + 106-110

A pretty easy mission for the Air Raider on which you have to battle 2 very large waves of not aggroed androids and his bomber attacks work very well. DLC weapons are not even needed. You'll take more time picking the crates, than in the actual battles. The number of bullets coming from the androids can be insane if you don't destroy a large number of them at the first attack.

And in an update an almost brainless mission for Ranger, with laziness as a bonus. Fencer can do a similar run to Ranger usingFlame Revolver or Hellflame Revolver, but you can kill yourself easily, takes a lot longer to kill the androids and it would needlevel 111 Rescue Skeleton to help with crates. Not a good option with him, I tried it it's a bore.

Fencer can do this easily too with the same loadout of mission 11, but not interesting due to fewer weapon crates in the same time, but of a slightly lower level.

Air Raider run, no DLC weapons:


Ranger run, no DLC weapons:


DLC 2 Mission 11 - Fencer, Wing Diver - Easy

Weapons range 84-99 + 106-110

A pretty easy mission for the Fencer, where his mobility, missiles and mortar attacks shine. Good loot usually from the 3 Cyclops of the last wave, and large androids also provide nice quantities of them. Like Air Raider on mission 10, no DLC weapons are required. You can do mission 10 with exactly the same loadout, but it's less interesting than this one (fewer crates, lower grade).

Fencer run, no DLC weapons:


Wing Diver run, no DLC weapons:


DLC 2 Mission 15 - Air Raider - Easy

Weapons range 86-99 + 106-111

A pretty easy mission for the Air Raider even without DLC weapons. 30 small Krakens, but since their bullets are not destructive you can hide in some places and use shields for almost complete protection. Takes some time and weapon drops are sadly few.

Other classes can't match the AR's ease here.

DLC 2 Mission 16 - Fencer - Very easy, Ranger - Medium

Weapons range 87-99 + 106-111

An easy mission for all classes, but where the Fencer first, and the Ranger in second, shine. Air Raider takes too much time, and Wing Diver is even worse.

Since Fencer is really king here by a mile, I do suggest you split-screen it with other classes to farm weapons for them. Much easier and faster, so more productive.

This is the easiest farming mission in the whole game, playing Fencer, but for all classes.

And VERY INTERESTING since it's the first mission where you can get the 2 level 111 weapons for Air Raider and Fencer that I mentioned before that enhance their crates picking range.

Fencer run, no DLC weapons:

Ranger run, no DLC weapons:

DLC 2 Mission 19 - Ranger, Air Raider - Easish

Weapons range 87-99 + 106-112

This is where things start to get better due to a wider possible range of weapon levels on DLC 2.

A relatively easy mission for all classes due to cheesing possibilities, but where the Air Raider and Ranger shine. Not stellar in weapon crate numbers, but reasonable, and good ratio ease / quantity / time wasted.

Ranger run:

DLC 2 Mission 26 - Ranger -Medium and Lucky prone

Weapons range 90-99 + 106-115

A troublesome and unreliable mission, but considering that Ranger has few decent weapon farming missions later on DLC 2 it becomes interesting. The mission is pretty quick to do, but does require some hefty weapons to be more viable.

A cylinder map cave mission has the usual issues with EDF cave missions on steroids, like being hit through walls, with a stupidly common and annoying one: corpses related deaths. It can be considered the ultimate corpses nightmare mission of the game.

Incredibly not stellar in crate numbers, and difficult to pick all, but still good, and really good ratio ease / speed / quantity.

DLC 2 Mission 28 - Air Raider - Medium and Lucky-prone

Weapons range 90-99 + 106-115

A hard mission for all classes, but where the Air Raider can shine due to its strong bomber attacks. Sadly some luck is required for this strategy but it would take a long time otherwise and then it would be boring and uninteresting for farming. Good in weapon crate numbers, and really good ratio ease / speed / quantity. Very easy end mission pickup, due to the presence of 3 shield bearers.

Weapons level 115 can be acquired here, so good for them, and to play on split screen with AR for other classes.

Air Raider run:

DLC 2 Mission 30 - Air Raider, Wing Diver - Medium and Slow

Weapons range 95-99 + 106-116

A pretty weird mission where all enemies are on standby, and most will not move, exceptions being Elder Krulls and High Grade Type 3 Drones. It takes some time, but both Air Raider and Wing Diver can solve it without DLC weapons.

Not stellar in the number of weapon crates but not very difficult for these 2 classes by using shields.

DLC 2 Mission 37 - Fencer - Hard and armor needed, Air Raider - Harder and not as good

Weapons range 106-117

Mission 37 is awesome. For several reasons. For starters, only old school enemies, just goldies and Gold Queens so they drop a good amount of weapons crates, unlike the new EDF 6 enemies. Wing Diver, Fencer and Air Raider can do the mission well, with the latter being the easier class. The problem however is exactly the same as in DLC 2-8 of EDF 5, for this mission to be a perfect weapons farming one the problem is that the class must be kill and crates pickup efficient. And Wing Diver sucks on that here, and it will take forever to pick a reasonable number of crates.

Air Raider is absolutely deplorable on this mission for farming.

His best pickup vehicle, the Blacker E11, sucks so much here it will drive you insane, and it's not literally. It's so, so, so bad that I quit after around 50 tries. The amount of stupid ways to get stuck or get your tank to fly and lose the mission at any moment is absolutely insane. And like DLC 2-8 on EDF 5, Nyxes suck for crates pickup, and are even worse here due to goldies nastiness.

OK, not totally right. Air Raider can farm it in a reasonably efficient way using an unusual vehicle, the level 108 Caliban Armored Rescue Vehicle Early.

Fencer wins in global ease, crates pickup efficiency and resilience, although he does need some armor (4k plus recommended), as he'll need to take a lot of risks (yes, similar to EDF 5's DLC 2-8 farming).

Again like for mission 16, since Fencer is really king here by a mile, I do suggest you split-screen him with other classes to farm weapons for them. Much easier and faster, and so much more productive.

Wing Diver sucks here as she isn't optimized for efficient crates pick up here. Ranger could be with Probe 5, but he sucks on the mission.

Fencer nirvana run:

A slightly less nirvana run:

Air Raider less nirvana but reasonable run:


EDF 6 / Earth Defense Force 6 Weapons Farming Guide - Inferno (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.