Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBATODAY-2015-11-19 (2025)

On Top Of The News Email:[emailprotected] website: www.arubatoday.com Tel:+297 582-7800 Thursday, November 19,2015
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., left, and House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of La., stride from the House chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015, as House Republicans work on legislation aimed at increasing screenings for Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the U.S., including a new requirement for FBI background checks. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
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President Barack Obama speaks at the CEO Summit, attended by 800 business leaders from around the region representing U.S. and Asia-Pacific companies, in Manila, Philippines, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015, ahead of the start of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Trans-Pacific trade pact is praised, panned as Obama urges approval
E. KURTENBACH AP Business Writer MANILA, Philippines (AP) —
The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal between the U.S. and 11 other Pacific nations is drawing potential new members from Asia and criticism from those excluded, as it heads for a tough ride in the U.S. Congress.
Leaders of the trade grouping that spans the Pacific Rim met alongside a regional economic summit on Wednesday in the Philippines and President Barack Obama urged them to ratify the deal “as
quickly as possible.”
The leaders issued a statement acknowledging interest among other countries in joining the pact, which currently represents about 40 percent of global trade. “This interest affirms that through TPP we are creating a new and compelling model for trade in one of the world’s fastest growing and most dynamic regions,” the statement said. Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, host of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Manila, met with Obama and sought his help in eventu ally joining the accord, which aims to reduce barriers to trade and also set labor and environmental standards.
“If the whole idea is to broaden trade, making it exclusive actually defeats the whole purpose of why you enter into all of these agreements,” Aquino said earlier in the week. Indonesia and South Korea are among other countries that have expressed interest in joining the trade arrangement, which is envisioned as a foundation for an even bigger regionwide trading blocO
5 Syrians detained with stolen passports
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Five Syrians have been detained on charges of falsifying documents after trying to usestolen Greek passports to enter Honduras, a law enforcement spokesman for the Central American country said Wednesday.
Police spokesman Anibal Baca said the men were detained on Tuesday at the Tegucigalpa international airport on an alert from Interpol about the passports. He said the international organization followed the group from
Syria, to Lebanon and Turkey, then on to Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica and Honduras.
There was no indication that the men were suspected of anything except carrying stolen documents to the Central American nation. Baca said Wednesday that the men indicated they planned to travel to the United States.
Honduras is a common route for migrants trying to reach the United States, but it’s unlikely the men would have been
able to enter the U.S. with the stolen passports. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers scan the passports of each traveler and have access to information about stolen passports.
Europeans are generally allowed to freely travel to the United States as residents of so-called visa waiver countries, but they are still must seek permission to travel to the U.S. through the Homeland Security Department's Electronic System for Travel Authorization, or ESTA. □
Cuba blames US for instigating surge of migrants from island
HAVANA (AP) — Cuban officials blamed the United States this week for instigating a surge in the number of Cuban migrants attempting to reach the U.S. through Central America amid ongoing efforts to normalize relations between the former Cold War foes.
In a statement aired on the government's nightly broadcast, Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Relations said U.S. policy allowing nearly all Cuban migrants who reach U.S. soil to stay contradicts ongoing efforts to renew relations between the countries.
“This policy encourages illegal emigration from Cuba to the United States and constitutes a violation of the letter and spirit of the migration accords,” the statement read.
The statement marked Cuba's first official response to the swell of migrants fleeing the island since Presidents Barack Obama and Raul Castro announced plans to restore diplomatic ties nearly one year ago. The situation intensified Sunday when Nicaraguan troops forcefully pushed Cuban migrants trying to cross the border en route to the United States back into neighboring Costa Rica.
Costa Rican Foreign Minister Manuel Gonzalez said in a radio interview Tuesday that there are nearly 2,000 people currently at the border being blocked by Nicaraguan soldiers from entering the country. He proposed the creation of a “humanitarian corridor” for Cubans transiting Central America.
“We have to do something with them, give them a solution,” Gonzalez said. “They want to continue. Even though a government sends the army after a peaceful migrant population, they are going to find a way to go."
More than 45,000 Cubans arrived at U.S. checkpoints along the border between Texas and Mexico in the fiscal year that ended in September. Many migrants from the island fear that the reestablishment of diplomatic ties between Washington and Havana may bring an end to the “wet-foot, dry foot” policy permitting most Cuban migrants to stay.
Those who flee Cuba on raft and are caught by the U.S. Coast Guard at sea are usually returned.
U.S. officials have stated they do not have any intention of changing current immigration policy toward Cuba. The U.S. and Cuba have held regular meetings on migration accords since the 1990s.
Cuban officials have repeatedly asked that Washington rescind the “wet-foot, dry foot” policy, saying it encourages Cubans to attempt perilous trips that have claimed an untold number of lives.
Dagoberto Fernandez, a Cuban mechanic traveling with his pregnant wife, said they began their journey from Ecuador and had no problems until now. “Everyone that we have encountered since leaving Ecuador is behaving well. The problem began upon arriving at the border with Nicaragua,” Fernandez said.
“We don’t want to stay. We don't want problems," he said. “We're a group of human beings trying to achieve their dream: arrive in the United States.” Costa Rica announced Friday that it was issuing special seven-day transit visas for Cuban migrants. The proposed humanitarian corridor would seek to protect their rights as they travel north through Central America. □
From left. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., Rep. Dan Newhouse R-Wash., Rep. Raul Labrador, R-ldaho, Rep. Steve King, R-lowa, and Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., confer on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 18,2015, following a meeting of the conservative Republican Study Committee ahead of legislation aimed at increasing screenings for Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the U.S., including a requirement for FBI background checks.
(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
The legislation, which sets high hurdles for refugee admissions including FBI background checks and individual sign-offs by top federal officials, “would provide no meaningful additional security for the American people, instead serving only to create significant delays and obstacles in the fulfillment of a vital program that satisfies bofh humanifarian and national security objectives,” the White House said.
President Barack Obama would veto the legislation if if reaches his desk, the statement concluded. Republican leaders, eager to respond quickly to Friday’s terror attacks in Paris, had described the bill as a middle ground approach. It institutes tough new screening requirements, but steers clear of demands from some Republicans, including presidential candidates, for religious questioning or a complete end to the U.S. refugee program.
“This is common sense. And it's our obligation," Speaker Paul Ryan said on the House floor ahead of the
not likely until after Congress' recess for a Nov. 26 holiday.
And with little chance for the bill to become law, several conservatives said the real action could come on a pending must-pass year spending bill that has to clear by Dec. 11 in order to keep the government running. Some want to use that bill to cut off
the last four years and they already go through a comprehensive vetting process that can take as much as three years, including biometric screening, fingerprinting and additional classified controls. The new bill would add a requirement for the Homeland Security secretary, along with the head of the FBI and the Director of Nafional Infelli
gation” of refugees fleeing chaos and horror. Although Syrians tend to be heavily documented. Democrats questioned how that could be accomplished. The current refugee program, along with Obama’s plan to add 10,000 more Syrian refugees this year, would likely come to a stop while the new protocol is established. □
Syrian refugee policy roils GOP presidential field
Bill to increase screening of all refugees from Syria and Iraq
The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The
House will vote Thursday on a bill aimed at boosting screening of Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the United States. President Barack Obama, who wants to allow 10,000 more Syrians into the U.S. this year, has threatened to veto it.
Some details on the current screening process:
—Obama administration officials say current screening of Syrians is more rigorous than for any other set of travelers.
—The checks are conducted by multiple federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies and include an interview overseas, biometrics, fingerprinting and biographical investigations to determine if individuals meet the standards for refugee status or if fhey pose security risks. Syrians are subject to additional, classified confrols. —The Homeland Security Department makes the final decision on whether a refugee is accepfed.
—The current acceptance rate for Syrians is around 50 percent.
—Of the roughly 2,500 Syrians the U.S. has taken in since the civil war erupted in that country in the spring of 2011, about half are children. Only about 2 percent are single men of combat age. The overall pool is almost evenly split between males and females.
The House bill would:
—Institute a new requirement for the FBI to conduct a “thorough background investigation” of Syrians and Iraqis seeking entrance to the U.S. as refugees.
—Require the Homeland Security secretary, with the “unanimous concurrence” of the head of the FBI and of the Director of National Intelligence, to certify to congressional committees that the person does not pose a security threat.Q
STEVE PEOPLES Associated Press ATLANTA (AP) — Some Republicans are pushing back against aggressive opposition in their party to Syrian refugees resettling in the U.S., offering fresh evidence of a rift within the Republican that could complicate the party’s outreach to minorities heading into the 2016 presidential contest.
These Republicans have joined Democrats who liken the refugee backlash to the U.S. government turning away Jews fleeing Nazi
Germany and placing Japanese-Americans in internment camps during World War II. While conservatives cite security concerns following the Paris attacks that may have involved Syrian refugees, others in the party fear the GOP’s position in Congress and state capitals across the country reeks of xenophobia.
“A refugee is someone who has a credible fear that they're going to be killed,” said Alfonso Aguilar, a Republican who served in the George W. Bush administration and now leads
the Latino Partnership for Conservafive Principles. “To close the door reminds me of FDR not letting Jews land in the U.S. during the years of Nazi Germany. Where are they going to go?” Aguilar said moderate voters who hold outsized influence in general elections could view Republican opposition as extreme and intolerant. He warned that could haunt the Republicans in next fall’s general election. But Republicans pressing for a pause in the refugee influx see a need fo be mindful, too, about
fears of an attack on U.S. soil days after the deadliest assault in France in 70 years.
None of the suspects identified so far in the Paris attacks is a Syrian refugee and the German interior minister says the Syrian migrant passport found at the scene is likely a fake.
Yet a number of Republican presidential candidates, governors and Senate Republicans have issued calls to delay or stop accepting Syrian refugees. Legislation introduced by Kentucky Sen. □
Obama warns of veto on GOP bill on Syrian refugees
White House threatened a presidential veto Wednesday of House Republicans legislation aimed at increasing screenings for Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the United States, calling new requirements in the bill “unten
veto threat. “If fhe intelligence and law-enforcement community cannot certify that a person presents no threat, then they should not be allowed in.” Senate action, though, is
funding for the refugee program — foreshadowing another potential government shutdown fight.
Only around 2,200 Syrian refugees have been allowed into this country in
gence, to certify that each refugee being admitted poses no security threat. The FBI also would be tasked with coming up with a way to conduct a “thorough background investi

ms. NEWS

No threats found on 2 diverted flights from US to Paris: Report
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SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Authorities cleared both Air France flights bound for Paris from the U.S. that were diverted because of anonymous threats phoned in after they had taken off.
Air France Flight 65 from Los Angeles International Airport to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris was diverted to Salt Lake City International Airport Tuesday night. Air France said in a statement. At about the same time a second flight. Air France 55, took off from Dulles International Airport outside Washington and was diverted to Halifax on Canada’s East Coast, officials said.
Passengers got off both planes safely and were taken to terminals. American authorities investigated and found no credible threat, according to an FBI statement released late Tuesday night.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said investigators found no evidence of an explosive device after they searched the plane and luggage.
Air France said in a statement that the flight in Salt Lake City took off for Paris at 12:29 a.m. Wednesday.
The flight in Canada was postponed until Wednesday evening and passengers were accommodated in Halifax.
Keith Rosso of Santa Monica, California, a passenger on the flight from Los Angeles with his fiancee, said “everything was smooth, everything was great, everything was going swell” for the first two hours of the flight, then things changed. “The flight attendants quickly came by and cleared plates, then there was an announcement that we were making an emergency landing and that the flight attendants were trained exactly for situations like this,” Rosso told The Associated Press by phone from the airport in Salt Lake City.
He said he looked at the flight monitor at his seat and saw that “we had made a pretty sharp right turn — we had been almost near Canada — toward Salt Lake City."
Rosso said an FBI agent interviewed the passengers after the landing.
In Halifax, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police led the investigation.^
Bush calls for US ground forces
to fight Islamic State
Republican presidential candidate, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, gives a speech on foreign policy and national defense, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015, on the campus of The Citadel in Charleston, S.C.
(AP Photo/Mic Smith)
THOMAS BEAUMONT Associated Press CHARLESTON, South Carolina (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Wednesday called for theU.S. to send more troops to the Middle East to fight the Islamic State.
“This is the war of our time,” Bush said in a speech five days after Islamic State militants attacked Paris and killed 129 people.
“The United States, in conjunction with our NATO allies and more Arab partners, will need to increase our presence on the ground,” he added. He offered no specifics, but said the number of Americans sent to the region should be, “in line with what our military generals recommend — not politicians — will be necessary to achieve our
The speech came as European nations hunted for conspirators in the attack and amid a fierce political debate within the U.S. over whether to limit or halt the resettlement of refugees surging fleeing war-ravaged Syria.
Bush, the brother and son of presidents, is projecting himself as a potential commander in chief able to handle such challenges, as his own presidential bid tries to gain traction in a primary campaign likely to be shaken up after the Paris attacks.
Viewed a year ago as the likely front-runner, the former Florida governor has failed to move to the top tier of Republican White House hopefuls in a field where political outsiders
Donald Trump and Ben Carson and charismatic young lawmakers Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have eclipsed him. The state-bystate primary contests begin in February.
“The brutal savagery is a reminder of what is at stake in this election," Bush said at The Military College of South Carolina, known as Citadel.
“We are choosing the leader of the free world. And if these attacks remindus of anything, it’s that we are living in serious times that require serious leadership.” Bush has long faulted President Barack Obama's administration, and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton — the leading Democratic presidential candidate — for
allowing wholesale federal spending cuts prompted by the 2013 budget reconciliation after Congress and the president were unable to craft more strategic cuts. The cuts affected military
and non-military spending alike, at a time when conflicts in Syria and Iraq “spiraled out of control as President Obama and Hillary Clinton failed to act," Bush said. □

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Official: Unclear if man shot by Minneapolis cops was cuffed
Pat Anderson attends a protest that aimed to demanded answers over the shooting of Jamar Clark near a police precinct in Minneapolis. State investigators looking into the death of Clark, shot by police during a scuffle are trying to determine whether he was restrained at the time, as some witnesses allege.
(Richard Tsong-Taatarii/Star Tribune via AP)
AMY FORLITI Associated Press MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — State investigators looking into the death of an unarmed black Minneapolis man shot by police during a scuffle are trying to determine whether he was restrained at the time, as some witnesses allege. Police initially said Jamar ONeal Clark was not handcuffed when he was shot, but authorities later said handcuffs were at the scene and that they are trying to determine whether Clark was restrained. “We’re still examining whether or not they were on Mr. Clark or whether or not they were just (fallen) at the scene. That’s what we’re trying to ascertain,” state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Superintendent Drew Evans said at a news conference Tuesday. Clark, 24, died Monday, a day after police shot him during an early morning dispute.
Police said the incident began when they were called to north Minneapolis around 12:45 a.m. Sunday following a report of an assault. When they arrived, a man was interfering with paramedics who were helping the victim, police said. Officers tried to calm him, but there was a struggle. An officer fired at least once, hitting the man, police said.
The head of the Minneapolis police union. Bob Kroll, said on Wednesday that the officers were interviewed Tuesday night.
“I hope they expedite the situation and wrap it up,” Kroll said.
The shooting sparked protests, including one Monday night in which hundreds of people blocked traffic on an interstate highway, leading to 42 ar rests. A nationwide movement — Black Lives Matter — spawned by the killing of black 18-year-old Michael
DAVID WARREN Associated Press DALLAS (AP) — The lone survivor of an attack that left six dead at a Texas campsite told authorities that the suspect had drinks with the victims before producing a gun and firing on them, according to an arrest warrant released Wednesday. William Hudson, 33, was drinking with the group Saturday when he accompanied four of them — including a 6-year-old boy — into the surrounding woods, the warrant provided by the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office said.
Cynthia Johnson told sheriff's deputies that she heard gunshots before Hudson re
Brown in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson last year has demanded an end to police killings and the use of
turned alone to the campsite and chased her husband, Carl Johnson, and daughter, Hannah Johnson, into a travel camper. She said she fled and hid in the woods but saw her husband fall on the steps of the camper, where Hudson shot him.
Cynthia Johnson waited until it appeared safe and made her way to a road and eventually called police, the document said. Authorities have said Hudson went to his mother’s home on an adjacent property and the warrant shows deputies saw him through a door wearing bloodstained clothes. He barricaded himself inside
excessive force against unarmed black suspects. Evans said investigators have video from several
before eventually surrendering.
The motive for the attack remains unclear. Sheriff Greg Taylor did not respond to a call for comment Wednesday.
Hudson was being held Wednesday at the Anderson County jail on a $2.5 million bond. His court-appointed attorney, Stephen Evans, said he couldn’t comment on the details of the investigation because he had just been assigned the case and not yet met with Hudson.
“This is very obviously going to be a long hard journey and we have a lot of work to do,” Evans said.
Previous information pro sources, including an ambulance, a mobile police camera stationed in the area, public housing cameras and citizens’ cellphones. But he said none of the videos captured the entire incident and none will be released while the investigation is ongoing to avoid possibly tainting it. Asked whether any of the video shows Clark in handcuffs, Department of Public Safety spokesman Bruce Gordon reiterated that it captures a portion of the incident, but not everything, and said officials can’t discuss specifics because it could potentially taint witness statements. Kroll said he hoped people who say Clark was handcuffed “make a statement to the BCA on that matter." He added: “If it turns out to be blatantly false, they should be charged with a crime.”
The FBI also has agreed to conduct a civil rights investigation into the shootingO
vided by Taylor along with details from the warrant paint a portrait of Hudson as a seemingly friendly man before he turned on the blended family that had gathered for the weekend to camp on land about 100 miles (160 kilometers) southeast of Dallas.
Earlier on Saturday, Hudson drove a tractor over to the campsite to help the group pull out a vehicle that was stuck in mud, the warrant said. He returned later to share drinks. Thomas Kamp purchased the land in August. Kamp and Hannah Johnson lived together in Midlothian, south of Dallas, with Johnson’s 6-year-old son Kade. □
Suspect drank with Texas victims, then shot them

ms. NEWS
Minutes show Fed pondering December rate hike
MARTIN CRUTSINGER AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal Reserve officials believed last month that the economic conditions needed to trigger the first interest rate hike in nearly a decade could “well be met” by their next meeting in December.
Minutes of the October discussions released Wednesday revealed Fed officials’ view that the job market would improve further and that inflation would begin to move toward their 2 percent annual target.
They also took note of the U.S. economy’s resilience through a summer of financial market turbulence and felt that global threats had “diminished.”
The Fed has kept its benchmark for short-term rates near zero since late 2008.
In the end, the Fed at its Oct. 27-28 meeting left its key rate unchanged but said further progress could justify a December hike. Officials in the minutes stressed that no decision had yet been made.
The wording in the October statement marked the first time in seven years of ultra-low rates that Fed had ever suggested that it might raise rates at its next meeting.
The minutes showed that Fed officials debated whether to insert the “next meeting” phrase into the
ERIK SCHELZIG Associated Press NASHVILLE, Term. (AP) —
Germany’s largest trade union is opening a joint office with the United Auto Workers in Tennessee to promote labor issues at German automakers and suppliers in the southern United States. Frankfurtbased IG Metall estimates that 100,000 people work for German-owned automotive companies in the U.S. Unlike at their parent companies’ factories in Germany, most of the U.S. workers aren’t represented by unions. “IG Metall believes some German man
statement. A couple of officials worried that it might be signaling too strongly the possibility of a December rate hike.
However, most members felt the new wording would underscore that they had not made a decision on a rate hike but that “it may well become appropriate" to start raising rates in December if the data show the economy performing as expected. The October meeting came after a disappointing September jobs report which was noted in the minutes. But
ufacturers are exploiting low-wage environments in the U.S. South, where working conditions — including health and safety situations — tend to be challenging for employees,” according to a statement obtained by The Associated Press in advance of the official announcement of the new joint office scheduled for later this week. The move has been in the works for months, but comes against the backdrop of scandal at Volkswagen, which has been the UAW’s chief target among foreign automakers in the U.S. Volkswagen has admitted to
since then, the job market surged in October, with employers adding 271,000 jobs, the most this year. “Dec. 16 is a very, very live
date for action, and frankly, given the stellar 271,000 jobs report since the October meeting, we would be astounded if they don’t raise rates finally," said Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank in New York.
In recent weeks, a number of Fed speakers have said that a rate hike in December was on the table.
In congressional testimony
cheating on U.S. emissions tests, creating an air of uncertainty at all of its facilities, including its lone U.S. plant in Chattanooga.
The growing cooperation between the UAW and IG Metall is unlikely to be seen as a welcome development among anti-labor Republicans in the South, who argue that a union expansion in the auto industry would hurt future recruiting efforts, especially among Asian companies.
The new office will be located near the General Motors plant in the Nashville suburb of Spring Hill. The goals of the “Transna
on Nov. 4, Yellen called a December rate hike a “live possibility" if the economy stays on track. William Dudley, president of the Fed’s
New York regional bank, seconded that view in a separate appearance that same day.
In a speech last week, Loretta Mester, president of the Fed’s regional bank in Cleveland, said that she believed the time to hike rates was “quickly approaching” and argued that waiting too long to begin raising rates could allow inflation to take hold. □
tional Partnership Initiative” include improving wages and working conditions among the numerous German-owned automotive suppliers — and at manufacturers like Volkswagen in Tennessee, Mercedes in Alabama and BMW in South Carolina.
The office also plans to promote German-style works councils to represent both hourly and salaried plant employees.
The UAW has been thwarted for decades in efforts to organize foreign-owned plants in the South, but has come closest at Volkswagen in Chattanooga.Q
Company warns of long layoffs at Bovey iron plant
Associated Press
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) —
More worrisome taconite production news came to Minnesota's Iron Range on Wednesday, with another company warning of mass layoffs in a region already ailing from the downturn of the domestic steel industry. Magnetation LLC announced the possible curtailment of iron ore production next year a plant in Bovey, which would trigger layoffs of longer than six months. It advised of the shift in a federal notice that’s required at least 60 days ahead of layoffs of more than 50 workers for extended durations.
Gov. Mark Dayton and state leaders already are considering a special session to provide extended unemployment benefits to steelworkers who will soon exhaust their maximum allotment. Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, a Cook Democrat, said in statement Wednesday that legislation to address persistent unemployment and poverty among black Minnesota residents should also be on the agenda. In a written statement. Dayton said Wednesday he's in agreement with Bakk. Matt Lehtinen, president of Grand Rapids-based Magnetation, said up to 163 workers could be affected but some could angle for open positions at the company’s other plants in the region. The notice says nothing would occur until after Jan. 31, but Lehtinen said the scope of the production shift would be known within the next month. According to company figures, the threeyear-old plant extracts and processes more than 1 million metric tons of iron ore per year, with some of it shipped as far as its plant in Indiana for steel production. “While any operating curtailment is unfortunate, we must balance our current production with our customers’ needs to sustain our business in these challenging markets,”Q
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen speaks during a conference in Washington. Federal Reserve officials believed last month that the economic conditions needed to trigger the first interest rate hike in nearly a decade could “well be met” by their next meeting in December.
(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Germany’s IG Metall opening US office with UAW

US Financial Front:
October home construction slumps on fewer apartment buildings
Apartment buildings under construction are seen, in Maitland, Fla., a suburb of Orlando. The Commerce Department reported on October U.S. home construction Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015.
(AP Photo/John Raoux)
Apartment construction plunged sharply in October, as the pace of homebuilding slipped amid a broader cooling of the real estate market.
Housing starts — both houses and apartments— fell last month 11 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.06 million homes, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. Single-family house construction declined 2.4 percent. Last month’s drop mostly stemmed from a 25.5 percent slide in the volatile multi-family category that includes apartments, a sector had posted a sharp increase in September. The government also revised downward overall housing starts in September and August.
But many analysts see the housing market as expanding despite the recent gyrations. “The trend here is still up nicely from last year,” said Stephen Phillips, president of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, who added that the housing starts data is "one of the most volatile
and often revised statistics we see in the industry.” Home construction has climbed 10 percent yearto-date as solid levels of hiring have improved consumer confidence and encouraged more people to buy houses or move to new apartment complexes.
The additional construction marked a turnaround for a real estate sector that had been among the weakest pieces of the recovery from the Great Recession. Yet the market’s upward trajectory now shows some signs of possibly stalling as rising prices, tight inventories and the economic uncertainty reflected in the stock market have sidelined many would-be buyers and renters.
Building permits rose 4.1 percent in October to an annual rate of 1.15 million after falling in September. The rebound last month suggests that apartment construction, which accounted for the majority of the increase, could swing upward in the coming months as more Americans have turned to renting. Nearly 33 percent of buildings completed so far this
year were apartment complexes and condo towers, compared to just 27 percent before the start of the recession in late 2007. The recovery from that economic downturn over the past six years has reshaped the housing market as those who lost their homes to foreclosures and recent college graduates have moved into rental properties. The percentage of Americans who own homes has fallen to nearly a 48year low of 63.7 percent. This shift has unleashed so much multi-family construction that October’s decrease “could potentially be due to pockets of overbuilding that may ex ist throughout the country, as well as the cost spikes which make financing new buildings more difficult,” said Philadelphia-based developer Carl Dranoff, chief executive of Dranoff Properties. And the growth in home sales enjoyed this year appears unsustainable without significant income growth. Relatively low supplies of homes on the markets have pushed prices upward, straining down payments savings. Sales of existing homes jumped 4.7 percent last month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.55 million, the National Association of Realtors said last month.
The housing market contains 4.8 months’ supply of homes, significantly lower than the six months associated with a strong market. Tight inventories have fueled rising home values. The median home sales price was $221,900 in September, a 6.1 percent annual increase.
An index of pending home sales slipped in September and builders are slightly less optimistic about sales going forward. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo builder sentiment index released Tuesday slipped in November to 62, down three points from a revised reading of 65 in October. □
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Paris attacks mastermind
At Press Time:
Official says
— Heavily armed French SWAT teams swooped in Wednesday and neutralized a cell that was ready to launch new attacks, leaving at least two people dead after firing 5,000 rounds during an hourslong siege, a prosecutor said. Eight people were arrested. The raid had targeted the suspected planner of the attacks, 27-year-old Abdelhamid Abaaoud, but his fate remained unclear.
Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said the identities of the dead were still being investigated, but that neither Abaoud nor the fugitive attacker Salah Abdeslam was in custody.
“At this time, I’m not in a position to give a precise and definitive number for the people who died, nor their identities, but there are at least two dead people,” he told reporters. Earlier, the prosecutor's office had said the dead included a woman who detonated an explosive vest and a man hit by projectiles and grenades. But at a later news conference, Molins clarified the earlier statement that the woman blew herself up, saying: “This point needs to be verified by an analysis of the body and human remains, as well as by all the forensic police operations that have to be carried out.” Molins said heavily armed police squads initially were thwarted by a reinforced door to the apartment in the Saint-Denis neighborhood north of Paris and faced nearly incessant fire as they worked to enter. The prosecutor said the raid was launched after
information from tapped telephone conversations, surveillance and witness accounts indicated that Abaaoud might be in a safe house in the Saint-Denis suburb.
Investigators have identi fied Abaaoud, a Belgian of Moroccan descent, as the chief architect of Friday’s attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people and wounded 368 others.
A U.S. official briefed on intelligence matters said Abaaoud was a key figure in an Islamic State external operations cell that U.S. intelligence agencies have been tracking for months. Abaaoud is believed to have escaped to Syria after a January police raid in Belgium, but he has bragged in Islamic State propaganda of his ability to move back and forth between Europe and Syria undetected.
The site of Wednesday’s
raid is just over a mile (less than two kilometers) from the Stade de France soccer stadium; three suicide bombers blew themselves up outside the stadium during an international soccer match Friday.
They were one of three teams of attackers who also targeted a rock concert at the Bataclan theater as well popular night spots in a trendy Paris neighborhood. The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the carnage, which has left France in mourning and on edge.
On Wednesday, residents of Paris' Saint-Denis neighborhood were shocked awake by an explosion at around 4:20 a.m.
Amine Guizani said the blast was followed by the sound of grenades and automatic gunfire.
“It was continuous. It didn’t stop,” he said. “It lasted from 4:20 until 5:30. It was
not arrested
a good hour. I couldn’t say how many shots were fired, but it was probably 500. Hundreds, definitely. There were maybe 10 explosions."
Police cordoned off an area around the building
in a narrow street lined with low-rise buildings. Riot police cleared people from the streets, pointing guns at residents to move them off the roads.
“We tried to stop our children hearing the noise,” said Farah Appane, who lives about 80 yards (meters) from where the raid took place. “My 19-monthold was crying. Our 8-yearold said ‘What is it? Are there more attacks?'"
She said she could hear gunfire on and off for over an hour, followed by “one really huge boom.”
“It was when the woman exploded herself. It made our apartment shake it was so strong,” □
Boko Haram kills dozens in Nigeria suicide bombing
M. FAUL I. ABDULAZIZ Associated Press
YOLA, Nigeria (AP) — The suicide bomber exploded as truckers were tucking into dinner at the bustling marketplace where vendors urged them to buy sugar cane. At least 34 people were killed and another 80 wounded in Yola, a town packed with refugees from Nigeria's Islamic uprising, emergency officials said Wednesday. Later Wednesday, two more suicide bombers killed at least 15 people in the northern city of Kano and injured 53, according to police. The blasts were the latest by Boko Haram, Nigeria’s home-grown extremists whose 6-year insurgency has killed 20,000 and forced 2.3 million to flee their homes.
Boko Haram was named Wednesday as the world’s most deadly extremist group in the Global Terrorism Index. Deaths attributed to Boko Haram increased by 317 percent in 2014 to 6,644 compared to 6,073 blamed on the Islamic State group. Boko Haram pledged allegiance to IS in March and calls itself that group’s West Africa Province.
Wednesday’s explosions came as President Muhammadu Buhari pressed his campaign against Nigeria’s endemic corruption, blamed for hampering fhe fight against the insurgents. Buhari accused his predecessor’s national security adviser of stealing billions of dollars meant to buy weapons to fight Boko Haram, when soldiers had just a few bullets and the Islamic extremists were rampaging across northeast Nigeria.Q
Hooded police officers detain a man in Saint-Denis, near Paris, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. A woman wearing an explosive suicide vest blew herself up Wednesday as heavily armed police tried to storm a suburban Paris apartment where the suspected mastermind of last week's attacks was believed to be holed up, police said.
(AP Photo/Peter Dejong)
Syrian activists: 3 days of strikes on Raqqa kill 33 in IS
BASSEM MROUE Associated Press BEIRUT (AP) — Airstrikes on the northern Syrian city of Raqqa and its outskirts have killed at least 33 Islamic State group fighters over the past three days, an opposition group that tracks Syria’s civil war said Wednesday.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the fighters were mostly killed when their checkpoints were attacked by French and other warplanes.
France has launched multiple airstrikes against IS following attacks, claimed by the militant group, that killed at least 129 people in Paris on Friday. Russia also intensified its bombardment of Raqqa after Moscow’s FSB security service announced Tuesday that a bomb brought down a Russian plane in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula last month, killing all 224 people onboard. IS also claimed that attack.
The Observatory said that more IS fighters are believed to have been killed in the airstrikes, but their bodies were so severely dismembered it wasn’t
possible to give a precise figure.
Zeid al-Thabet, a member of an anti-IS media collective that covers Raqqa known as the Sound and Picture Organization, also reported a “large number” of IS fighters killed but had no precise figure.
The Observatory reported that IS fighters’ families are fleeing Raqqa to the northern Iraqi city of Mosul because of the intensity of the bombing, saying they feel Raqqa is no longer safe. The report could not be independently verified. Meanwhile, the ex-wife of IS leader Abu Bakr alBaghdadi appeared Wednesday in court in Beirut, where she is being tried on terrorism-related charges. Saja al-Dulaimi was detained in Lebanon last year after she crossed into the country illegally with her husband using forged identity cards.
Al-Dulaimi is now married to a Palestinian man, who is being detained on similar charges. She walked into the courtroom carrying her four-month-old son Youssef, born while she was in jail. It was her first time seeing her husband.
Islamic State says it has killed Norwegian, Chinese captives
JOSEPH KRAUSS JON GAMBRELL Associated Press CAIRO (AP) — The Islamic State group said Wednesday that it has killed Norwegian and Chinese captives after earlier demanding ransoms for the two men.
The extremist group published two images of the men in the second-to-last page of its English-language magazine, saying they had been “executed after being abandoned by kafir nations and organizations.” "Kafir" is the Arabic word for infidel. In the images, the men both appeared to have been shot to death.
The Norwegian man had been identified as Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad, 48, a graduate student in
political philosophy from Porsgrunn, south of Oslo. The Chinese man had been identified as Fan Jinghui, 50, a self-described “wanderer" from Beijing who once taught middle school.
The militants did not say when or where the two were captured when announcing their captivity in a previous issue of the magazine, which showed them in yellow jumpsuits. However, the last post on Grimsgaard-Ofstad's Facebook page, dated Jan. 24, said he had arrived in Idlib, Syria, on his way to Hama. Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg told a press conference that the government cannot confirm the killing, but said “we have no reasons to doubt it.'O
This photo shows a French army Mirage 2000 jet on the tarmac of an undisclosed air base as part of France's Operation Chammal launched in support of the US-led coalition against Islamic State group. (French Air Force/ECPAD via AP)
Kamal Khalaf, since she was detained last November. For Khalaf, it was his
first chance to see his son. After asking the judge’s permission, he briefly held
the child in his arms before the baby was taken away by a female soldier.Q

Xi says China will keep economic growth on track
Philippines President Benigno Aquino III and his sister Maria Elena Aquino-Cruz, right, welcome Chinese President Xi Jinping to the welcome dinner at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Manila, Philippines Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
E. KURTENBACH Associated Press MANILA, Philippines (AP)
— Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday sought to reassure regional economic and political leaders that his government will keep the world’s No. 2 economy growing.
In a speech to a business
HANOI, Vietnam (AP) —
Vietnam's prime minister said Wednesday that the communist country will do its best to develop good relations with China, but at the same time will defend its sovereignty in the disputed SouthChina Sea.
“We sincerely do our utmost to strengthen friendship, mutual beneficial cooperation and mutual development with China in all fields,” Nguyen
conference on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, Xi said China is committed to overhauling its economy and raising the living standards of ifs people.
China's growth fell to a sixyear low of 6.8 percent in the latest quarter as Beijing
Tan Dung told the National Assembly. "At the same time, I want to emphasize, we are determined to defend our independence, territorial sovereignty and national interests ... especially the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982.”
The prime minister also called for a boost in national defense and security, and international support for its national construction and defense.
tries to shift the economy away from reliance on trade and investment. The slowdown, which has been unfolding for several years, has rippled around the world, crimping growth in countries such as South Korea and Australia that were big exporters to China.
Xi acknowledged that Chi
Vietnam and China along with several other countries are locked in territorial disputes in the South China Sea, where recent Chinese land reclamation projects have raised concerns.
On Tuesday, National Assembly member Truong Trong Nghia challenged the prime minister about Vietnam’s economic dependence on China, and said Vietnam should not receive loans or aid
na's vital signs are a concern and that it is facing “difficulties and challenges.” But he also alluded to the fact China is growing much faster than Western countries even as it slows. “China’s positive economic fundamentals and long term trajectory remain unchanged,” he said. “China’seconomy has strong resilience, great potential and ample room for maneuvering."
He also said Beijing is stepping up efforts to counter climate change and clean up its environment, which has been heavily polluted by years of breakneck economic growth.
“We will make ecological progress part and parcel of the entire process of our economic and social development," Xi said.
Weeks away from a deadline for an agreement to limit global warming. President Barack Obama sought to build momentum for the pact on Wednesday, reasoning that bold climate action will be a boon for businesses in Asia
from China, saying that makes it harder to negotiate with China over territorial disputes.
Relations between the two communist neighbors plunged to their lowest point in years following the parking of a Chinese giant oil rig near the Paracels islands last year.
The incident sparked widespread anti-China protests in Vietnam, and several Chinese nationals were killed in the riots. □
and around the world.
At the APEC business conference, Obama urged business leaders to reduce their own emissions and pressure governments to sign on to an international carbon-cutting pact to be discussed beginning Nov. 30 in Paris.
“Your businesses can do right by your bottom lines and by our planet and future generations,” Obama said. “The old rules that said we can’t grow our economy and protect our economy at the same time — those are outdated.” The 21-member APEC bloc accounts for abouf 60 percent of the global economy. It groups the United States and China with middle powers such as Australia as well as developing nations in Asia and South America.
All the events at the summit are tightly scripted and security has been extremely heavy. Thousands of police and military personnel are deployed in Manila and some downtown thoroughfares are closed to all but official vehicles.
About two hundred protesters trying to march on APEC venues Wednesday were blocked by riot police. The anti-globalization protesters waved “Junk APEC” banners, jostled with police and burnt a mock U.S. flag. Xi did not comment on territorial disputes in the South China Sea, which are not part of the official APEC agenda but are hanging over the summit. On Wednesday, Obama called on China to halt further land reclamation and new construction in the disputed waters.Q
Vietnam wants good relations with China; sovereignty
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Search continues for 2 in Nicaragua helicopter crash
LUIS GALEANO Associated Press MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) — Nicaraguan authorities continued searching Wednesday for two people, including a former government minister, who were aboard a helicopter that crashed into a river.
Police, soldiers, doctors and local residents searched along the San Juan river in southern Nicaragua for Antonio Lacayo and a U.S. citizen. Lacayo was presidential minister in the government of President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro between 1990 and
1997, and her son-in-law. He later was executive director of Centro Empresarial Pellas, CEO of TicoFruit and a business consultant. “We have hope that they are still alive,” said Pedro Joaquin Chamorro Barrios, Lacayo’s brother-in-law. “Hope is the last thing you
lose and there is an intense search involving rescue authorities, the family and locals.” Deputy director of Nicaragua’s national police Francisco Diaz on Wednesday told local television network Canal 8 that they had already recovered the bodies of the Ni caraguan pilot and American Phil Wendell Tope of Tampa Juice Service Inc. “We’ve been working since 4 a.m. searching for the other missing, we can’t confirm or deny their deaths while we don’t really know what happened to them,” Diaz said. □
Migrant detentions in Mexico up 73 percent since 2014
Central American migrants wait atop the freight train they had been traveling north on, as it starts to rain after the train suffered a minor derailment outside Reforma de Pineda, Chiapas state, Mexico. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
PETER ORSI Associated Press MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico detained 73 percent more migrants in the first year since the announce ment of an operation to shore up security on its southern border, according to a study released Wednesday by human rights groups and migrants'
advocates. The study found that about 168,000 migrants were detained in Mexico from July 2014 to June of this year, up from some 97,000 during the
previous 12-month period, and activists said the crackdown has been accompanied by rising crimes and abuses against migrants — including by security forces. “The Southern Border Program has been a huge success for (the government), of course. The numbers, they trumpet them with great pride,” said Tomas Gonzalez, a friar who runs a migrant shelter in Tabasco state. But “I think for us it must be the great failure of Mexican society and the Mexican state in its responsibility to our Central American brothers.” Mexican Interior Department officials referred questions to the National Institute of Immigration, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Mexico launched its Southern Border Program in the summer of 2014, a time when the United States was experiencing a large spike
in unaccompanied child migrants arriving at its own southern border. Many were Central American children fleeing violence in fheir home countries.
The Washington Office on Latin America, or WOLA, a U.S.-based advocacy group which helped prepare the report, said the increased enforcement has “worrying implications” for human rights.
Activists said the crackdown has led migrants to abandon established northward routes such as the train known as “the beast,” and resort instead to riskier, clandestine avenues such as traveling by foot or sea. That makes them more vulnerable to becoming victims of assault, kidnapping, rape, extortion and other crimes that have been common for many years along the migrant’s trail toward the United States.Q
Congressional vote hands Brazil pres, much-needed victory
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff scored a muchneeded victory on Tuesday when Congress upheld her vetoes on controversial spending bills the embattled leader insisted the country could ill afford. The bills included a proposed wage hike that would have raised salaries
of fhe country's already handsomely paid judiciary by over 50 percent, costing an estimated $9.5 billion over the coming four years. Supporters of the bill staged boisterous protests during the late-night joint session of both houses of Congress. The bills were widely regarded as political maneuvers by Rousseff's ri val, Speaker of the House Eduardo Cunha, aimed at undermining her administration and its attempts to restart a Brazilian economy mired in recession. Rousseff's victory late Tuesday came by a narrow margin, with the government’s supporters barely securing the votes they needed to bury the proposal. Still, the vote
represented a triumph for Rousseff, who is fending off calls for her impeachment. Critics have blamed Rousseff for the nosediving economy, which is expected to contract by around 3 percent this year, and also for the mushrooming corruption scandal at the state-run oil giant Petrobras, which has ensnared
politicians as well as the heads of some of the country’s biggest construction firms. Rousseff has not been directly implicated in the scandal.
House Speaker Cunha is among those under investigation. He is also the sole lawmaker able to open impeachment proceedings against Rousseff.Q
US, Cuba sign first environmental accord since thaw
CHRISTINE ARMARIO Associated Press HAVANA (AP) — The United States and Cuba signed an agreement Wednesday to join forces and protect the vast array of fish and corals they share as countries separated by just 90 miles (140 kilometers), the first environmental accord since announcing plans to renew diplomatic relations.
“We recognize we all share the same ocean and face the same challenges of understanding, managing, and conserving critical marine resources for future generations,” said Kathryn Sullivan, chief of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The memorandum signed by U.S. and Cuban officials in Havana directs scientists with the Florida Keys and the Texas Flower Garden Banks national sanctuaries to collaborate with researchers at two similarly fragile and protected reserves: Guanahacabibes National Park and the Banco de San Antonio, located on the island's westernmost region.
Ocean currents carry many of the same fish and organisms off the coast of Cuba into the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, making collaboration on topics like preservation and sustainability an area of mutual interest for scientists in both countries.
“Fish, marine mammals, sea turtles, birds and other marine life exist in ecosystems that rarely fall within maps drawn by man,” said Jonathan Jarvis, director of the U.S. National Park Service, which also signed the accord and will participate in the new exchange. Washington and Havana announced last December
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — Five judges in the Dominican Republic have been suspended amid accusations that they released violent criminals from prison in exchange for bribes.
that they would resume diplomatic ties, and formally did so in July. Environmental cooperation has been one of the most
visible areas of progress in the relationship as the United States and Cuba negotiate and discuss a number of issues. They include much thornier matters on which the two countries remain far apart, such as the U.S. embargo and the naval base at Guantanamo, as well as Cuba's record on rights and democracy.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced in October that the countries were working on a marine-preservation accord. That same month, Cuba and the U.S.based Environmental Defense Fund unveiled an initiative designed to protect shark populations, record fishing vessel catches and develop a long-term con
General Prosecutor Francisco Dominguez says the government took action against the judges after a yearlong preliminary investigation. Three of the judges have been suspended without pay. Dominguez
servation plan. And in April, NOAA and Cuban scientists circled the island on a research cruise to study the larvae of bluefin tuna.
a highly threatened and commercially valuable species.
"We trust this document marks the start of a sustainable process of exchange that lets us develop scientific investigations and share best practices in management and conservation,” Fernando Mario Gonzalez Bermudez, Cuba’s first vice minister of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, said Wednesday.
Cuba’s marine ecosystem is considered one of the best preserved in the region, with large reserves of relatively untouched coral and large populations of fish, sharks and sea turtles. But such ecosystems could
said the judges are accused of working with lawyers, ex-judges and others to release criminals including those facing murder and drug trafficking charges. Authorities are now reviewing those cases.
come under new threats as Cuba continues to search for offshore oil and tourism booms.
Billy Causey, a regional
director with NOAA who helped broker the accord, said the pairings were determined in part by the challenges that the sanctuaries share.
Guanahacabibes National Park is one of Cuba's largest and most isolated reserves. It is home to a large population of sea turtles, spiny lobsters and contains what is considered one of Cuba's most robust coral reefs. It is still out of reach for many tourists, though more travelers and boats are beginning to arrive. Scientists there will be paired with researchers at the Florida Keys sanctuary, an area that receives more than 3 million visitors each year.Q
The judges rejected the accusations in an interview with a local radio station and said a political campaign was mounted against them. The order to suspend the judges was issued Monday .□
Puerto Rico seeks bills to clinch debt restructure deals
DANICA COTO Associated Press SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Puerto Rico legislators have approved an amended bill restoring more power to a fiscal control board in an effort to appease bondholders and help pull the island out of an economic crisis.
The move comes as the U.S. territory runs out of time to approve measures as it seeks to restructure $72 billion in public debt that the governor has said is unpayable. Gubernatorial Chief of Staff Victor Suarez said Wednesday that the government will meet this week with advisers of the bondholders to present a restructuring plan.
He said that Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla is pleased with the amended bill that legislators approved late Tuesday and expects to sign it in upcoming days. Lawmakers last week had agreed to strip the board of most of its powers, but revised the bill after a lengthy debate. The board now has the authority to endorse a fiveyear fiscal reform plan but it does not have the power as originally proposed in Garcia’s measure to approve government agencies’ budgets or demand cuts.
It is unclear yet whether bondholders will welcome the bill as the restructuring process begins. Both the government and bondholders have signed confidentiality agreements. Melba Acosta, president of Puerto Rico’s Government Development Bank, has said that creditors informally demanded a fiscal control board, and that some of them sought a federal govern men t-appoin ted board. However, legislators and other officials including Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico’s representative in U.S. Congress, have rejected such a proposal.
Pierluisi compared the creation of a federal board to a dictatorship during a forum co-hosted by The Hill, a Washington, D.C. newspaper. □
A diver makes an immersion at the International Diving Center Maria la Gorda on the Guanahacabibes peninsula in the province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. The United States and Cuba signed an agreement Wednesday to join forces and protect the vast array of fish and corals they share as countries separated by just 90 miles (140 kilometers), the first environmental accord since announcing plans to renew diplomatic relations. (AP Photo/Chris Gillette)
Dominican Republic:
5 judges accused of releasing prisoners for bribes
More a brand than a souvenir ....
Meet the local guys behind Aruba Rocks!
ORANJESTAD - Aruban designer Calvin Maduro and branding expert Jaymir Janga launched a musthave product line of shirts, caps, tumblers and stickers named Aruba Rocks!
Calvin explains “We wanted to differentiate ourselves from other merchandise on the market by presenting a changing design concept with local motif that visitors could enjoy every vacation"
Theircool designs launched in April of 2013 depict the shoco (burrowing owl, Aruba's national bird) donkey.

pelican, marlin and goat in a whimsical colorful manner. All animals sport colorful Ray-ban-style shades and a mohawk hairstyle. Since Aruba is known to be the Caribbean destination with the highest return

guest rate, fresh designs of the multi colored, crackled prints are continuously introduced creating a dynamic product line for our rocking friends.
According to Jaymir, “Our aspiration is to combine locally branded products with a worthy cause that will benefit the entire community.
In order to aid in reducing trash and marine debris, we started selling Aruba Rocks reusable and recyclable tumblers to many resorts and beach bars particularly for beach-goers, to reduce waste from disposable plastic and styrofoam cups.”
Aruba Rocks recently opened their first official store in Paseo Herencia
mall where all their designed items are displayed. When you buy an Aruba Rocks product you help protect Aruba’s valuable natural resources and maintain the attractiveness of Aruba’s beaches. This will allow all who consider Aruba their home-awayfrom-home to contribute to the protection of the island’s environment in a really effortless manner. Aruba Rocks have found a way to express their passion for their island and design while contributing to the protection of the island's environment.
For more information you can follow them on Facebook. com/arubarocks365 and on Instagram @ arubarocks365. □
Count on Paseo Herencia Mall for Great Nightly Entertainment!

Ttwra b thtfip h*pp ftirtlw wfioJc f j miljf if HerefKi*.
Injcsf ffur
OuJturar Dflrtpe Show fy
<J toco* Dance Grotip on Mar* Stage at &:00 PM
Local TatonJ Shaw an Main Snapc at 8:00 PM
Louri dance show by a toed dance group an Mato Stage at fcOO PM
Acrobatic Show an Aiai» Stage
at fcOO PM

111 from Of -Grtf
it 0:00 PM
Aomontic Violin Ntghl on Mam Stage at 8:00 PM
Synchronized Lrgttl
Music & Wtlfr Shaw tit 7:30 pm, 8, JO pm t 9:30 pm £ S0:i(t pm
FA 5 EC HERENCIA 5 HOFPING MALL, J.L Irauiquin BLVD 3B2 Forking avd i lab I u i n Fas-e d Parking Garage at Afl. 1.7 5 per hour FREE parking, weekday! till 12 noon and weekends till 5 pm
f S3 YhIHh tpafreohe rente 3a pa-seohere ncka.co m
PALM BEACH - The premiere shopping center of Palm Beach, Paseo Herencia, is also a spectacular place for dining, becoming informed about island history and culture, and family fun. Best of all, the mall hosts fantastic entertainment nightly in the Plaza Padu, and all the shows are absolutely FREE! The diverse lineup of top talent takes
place every evening from 8:00 to 8:30pm, preceded and followed by their fourtimes nightly Waltzing Waters show. On Mondays Cultural Night, on Tuesdays Local Talent Show, on Wednesdays Latin Night, on Thursdays Fantasy Night, on Fridays Caribbean Pan Night on Saturdays Violin Night. Shops are open from 10am to lOpm.Q

Professionals working together for better care on Aruba!
ORANJESTAD - The following professionals, along with AZV, are working together to improve the quality of medical care for the people of Aruba!
-Prof. Dr. Peter Catalano is an ENT specialist graduated from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and is currently a Professor at Tufts University in Boston and has been in practice for 30 years.
-Dr. Steve Cabenda is an ENT specialist graduated from the Free University Amsterdam and has been working on the island of Aruba for the last 25 years. -Dr. John Walker is an Orthodontist graduated from New Jersey School of Dental Medicine and received his Certificate in Orthodontics from Boston University School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Walker is a part-time clinical professor of Orthodontics and Boston University and has been in private practice for 30 years in the USA and has been working for 17 years on the island.
The Minimally Invasive Sinus Technique (MIST) offers patients an innovative option in the treatment of nasal obstruction, sinus disorders and obstructive sleep apnea. The focus is sleep disorder breathing which is present 24-hours a day in children, and more problematic in adults when they are lying down. Common symptoms of sleep disorder breathing in children are: Snoring; Mouth breathing: Underdevelopment of the jaw leading to overcrowding
of the teeth; Behavioral problems such as ADD and ADHD; The root cause of these symptoms is sleep disorder breathing.
Dr. Catalano: In the past, sinus and nasal operations were not done in children. With this new technique (MIST) we have operated in children as young as 3-years-old. This minimally invasive operation takes approximately 40-45 minutes without the need or nasal packing or bandages. There is no external evidence of surgery, and since it is minimally invasive, the recovery time is significantly reduced with limited discomfort for the patient. Children are usually back to school, and adults return to work, in one day A prospective study conducted in children has shown great improvement in symptoms
Dr. Cabenda: Up to now the commonly used technique used for the treatment of nasal obstruction and sinus disorders is the functional sinus surgery used in adults.
f i JTW.
■■ _ h
On Friday 16-Oct-2015, the operating team composed of three ENT doctors namely. Dr. Catalano, Dr. Cabenda, Dr. Raven, one orthodontist and airway specialist Dr. Walker, and a local anesthesiologist, operated on four patients
on the island using this innovative minimally invasive technique (MIST). A total of three adults and one child were treated by MIST. All four operations were conducted at Dr. Cabenda’s operating room at his Punta Bra bo office.
This is a perfect example of
how blending of two specialists, ENT and orthodontics, leads to effective and optimal patient care.
AZV would like to thank the operating team as well as the local hospital for their willingness to work together to provide the local population with access to effective and innovative techniques in the field of nasal obstruction, sinus disorders and obstructive sleep apnea. This multidisciplinary team approach of highly trained individuals combined with the use of an effective and innovative technique are in line with the strategic goals of the AZV to provide quality and effective care to the enrollees. □

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Loyal Visitors Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority
EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure of honoring a pair of loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba at the Occidental Grand Aruba as Distinguished Visitors. The symbolic honorary title is presented in the name of the Minister of Tourism as tokens of appreciation to guests who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 consecutive years.
The honorees were Mr. David and Mrs. Louise Greene of San Diego, California, commemorating their 11 th consecutive visit to the island! David and Louise are loyal members of the Occidental Grand and they love Aruba very much because of the friendly people, the weather, the beaches, the restaurants, the Casinos, and just about everything else! They say Aruba feels like a second home where the people are like family to them, and the Occidental Grand Aruba is truly their ‘home-away-from-home.’
The certificate was presented to them by Ms. Jasmine Maduro representing Aruba Tourism Authority, together with friends and family from the Occidental Grand Aruba. CongratulationsO


Andy Murray of Britain wipes his face after playing a return to Rafael Nadal of Spain during their singles tennis match at the ATP World Tour Finals at the 02 Arena in London, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. Associated Press
Struggling Andy Murray gives himself haircut during match
CHRIS LEHOURITES AP Sports Writer LONDON (AP) — Andy Murray was struggling, both with his serve and his hair. He gave himself a little trim during a changeover in the first set, but on the court he found it difficult to improve. Taking advantage of it all was Rafael Nadal, who ended up with a 6-4, 6-1 win Wednesday for his second straight victory at the season-ending ATP finals and a spot in the semifinals. Murray and Nadal traded breaks to open the match, and then Nadal held to make it 2-1. During the changeover, the secondseeded Murray pulled out a pair of scissors and clipped off a few strands of hair.
“I had some hair in my eye, and I just wanted to get rid of it,” said Murray, clearly annoyed with the line of questioning. “That literally took two seconds. That was it.”
Nadal said he didn’t notice Murray’s actions, but laughed when he was told that Murray said his hair was bothering him.
Continued on Page 22
I hr:. m | KeyinTMcHale
RocketsJire coach
In this Nov. 4, 2015, file photo, Houston Rockets coach Kevin McHale yells to his players in overtime against the Orlando Magic in an NBA basketball game in Houston. Associated Press
Maddon, Banister selected Managers of the Year
Maddon won his third Manager of the Year award Tuesday and Jeff Banister his first after each guided his team on a surprising run to the playoffs.
In his initial season with the Chicago Cubs, Maddon took the National League prize following fhe club's first postseason appearance since 2008. He also won in the American League with Tampa Bay in 2008 and 2011.
This is a 2015 photo shows Chicago Cubs manager Joe Maddon. Joe Maddon has won his third Manager of the Year award, earning his first in the NL after guiding the Chicago Cubs to their first postseason berth since 2008.
Associated Press
In this Oct. 13,2015, file photo, Texas Rangers manager Jeff Banister smiles as he listens to a question during a news conference in Arlington, Texas. Associated Press
“It's really good to know that what you believe in works in other places,” Maddon said during a break from his pizza-andwine celebrafion wifh family and friends. “I didn't tweak anything. It was the same approach."
Maddon received 18 firstplace votes and 124 points in balloting by the Baseball Writers' Association of America. He beat out St. Louis’ Mike Matheny and the New York Mets' Terry Collins by a surprisingly comfortable margin, becoming the seventh manager to win the award three times and the seventh to earn it in both leagues.
“To be the steward of this wonderful group of young players, I feel very fortunate," Maddon said on MLB Network.
Banister garnered 17 firstplace votes and 112 points, easily topping Houston’s A.J. Hinch and Hall of Farri er Paul Molitor from fhe Minnesota Twins, another rookie manager.
Banister joined Houston’s Hal Lanier (1986), San Francisco’s Dusty Baker (1993), Florida’s Joe Girardi (2006) and Washington’s Matt Williams (2014) as the only men to win in their first season as a major league manager. “To be able to have this in year one — tremendous,” Banister said. “But it means that we had a group of players that went out every single day, they showed up, they played well, they beat back some odds, they were resilient, they showed some grit and played together and really, truly played for each other on a nightly basis, and I was most proud of that."
Texas won 88 games this season — 21 more than last year — in capturing the AL West title despite several significant injuries, including losing ace Yu Darvish for
the entire season to elbow surgery.
The Rangers won their first two playoff games in Toronto before dropping the next three and getting eliminated.
“All the things that I've been through in my lifetime — and there were a lot of times that I asked why — well there were times this year that I knew exactly why,” the 51-year-old Banister said. “It was so that I could give another group of people some thoughts, some ideas, some toughness and some motivation to continue to press forward.”
Hinch finished second with eight first-place votes and 82 points. Molitor got two first-place votes and 33 points.
New York Yankees skipper Joe Girardi received a pair of firsf-place votes, and Toronto’s John Gibbons got the other oneO
Catch your own dinner with Driftwood!
Motto at Driftwood Restaurant: “from the pier to your plate!”
ORANJESTAD - The downtown marina is home of Driftwood Fishing Charters, the successful fisherman of the established seafood restaurant Driftwood in Oranjestad. Driftwood owner Herby
Merryweater has a love and passion for fishing.
A fisherman who knows about fish, what our local waters have to offer, and what the words :fresh seafood” really mean.
What Herby catches will be served in his restaurant on the same day. Herby loves to share his fishing passion with the many visitors to the island. His fleet of a 35ft. Twin Engine Bertram yacht and a 50ft. Twin Engine Post yacht, appropriately called “Driftwood I and II, is available for charters on 12 noon and from 1pm to 5pm.

Winners of Inti. LUHRS Marina Group Blue Marlin Release Tournament 2009
Catch your own dinner
A charter includes: captain, mate all fishing equipment, bait, sodas and bottled water. On a full day charter sandwiches and snacks are also included.
You can call Herby directly at (297) 592 4040 or go to www.drftwoodaruba.com
Driftwood Restaurant. This authentic Aruban seafood restaurant is located in characteristic downtown Oranjestad. Their
extended menu has been jubled by many. Driftwood offers daily specials, as well as a delicious 4-course menu for just $25.95 Charter deep sea fishing rates: $400 - 1/2 day • $760 - full day. Rates per boat Max. 6 people. Driftwood Restaurant Authentic Aruban Seafood Restaurant; Klipstraat #12, Downtown Oranjestad. Tel: (297) 583 2515 www. d riftwooda ru ba. com Open hours: every day, from 5pm till 10:30pm. Sunday Closed.

Red Sox DH David Ortiz to retire after 2016 season
In this Aug. 20, 2014, file photo, Boston Red Sox designated hitter David Ortiz tips his cap while standing on third base during a baseball game against the Los Angeles Angels at Fenway Park in Boston.
Associated Press
slugger David Ortiz, Boston's beloved “Big Papi” who helped the cursed franchise end its dynasty of disappointment and cursed out the bombers who attacked his adopted city, said on Wednesday he will play one more year before retiring.
On the day that he turned 40, the Dominican designated hitter said in a video posted on The Players' Tribune that the 2016 season will be his last. The post was titled “40.” “Life is based on different chapters, and I think I am ready to experience the next one in my life," he told his fans. “I wish I could play another 40 years, so I could have you guys behind me, but it doesn’t work that way. After this year, time is up. So let’s enjoy the season.” Ortiz led the Red Sox to three World Series championships, hitting 503 homers in a career of clutch at-bats while serving as the inspiration that turned a tormented franchise into a big-market bully.
Already treasured for his big hits and even bigger personality, Ortiz further cemented himself in the city’s lore after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings that killed three people and injured hundreds more. Taking the microphone before the ballclub's first game back, Ortiz told a Fenway crowd that included the governor and top police officials: “This is our (expletive) city. And nobody’s going to dictate our freedom.”
With “Boston Strong” as its rallying cry, the Red Sox returned to the World Series. Ortiz batted .688 in the sixgame victory over the St. Louis Cardinals, and was named the Series MVP. He is one of just four players in baseball history with at least 500 career homers and three World Series championships, joining Hall of Famers Babe Ruth,
Mickey Mantle, and Reggie Jackson.
“He's given all of our fans so much reason to cheer," Patriots quarterback Tom Brady said on Wednesday. “I’ve got a lot of respect for him and the way that he’s always, I think, brought a great leadership to his team. He’s been a great example."
A fun-loving, free-swinging bon vivant, Ortiz was also active in the community in Boston and in his native Dominican Republic; in 2011, he was awarded baseball’s Roberto Clemente Award for positive contributions on and off the field. “It is difficult to adequately convey what David Ortiz has meant to the Boston Red Sox," team owner John Henry said in a statement. “For those of us who have had the honor of knowing him all these years, he has been exactly what you hope to see in a man who has been the face of this organization.” Red Sox fans will remember Ortiz best for his performance in the 2004 playoffs, when Boston ended its 86-year title drought.
Big Papi, as he came to be known by his fans and teammates, had consecutive game-ending hits in extra innings of Games 4 and 5 of the AL championship series against the Yankees
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as the Red Sox became the first major league team to overcome a 0-3 deficit in a best-of-seven series. The Red Sox went on to sweep St. Louis in the World Series for their first title since 1918. Ortiz stuck around for two more titles - the only member of the ‘04 team that was still active in 2013, when he had 11 hits in the first five games before the Cardinals walked him four times in the clincher.
“He is one of the game's greatest players - and greatest champions - and he has been there for the city of Boston through thick and thin every step of the way,” Red Sox President
Sam Kennedy said. “He has been a pillar of our team and a pillar of our city.
“We look forward to a final season of raising our heads
to the sky looking for his long-ball, and watching him point to the heavens when he arrives home one final time.’O
NBA Capsules
Pistons rally for 104-99 win over Cavs despite James’ 30
The Associated Press AUBURN HILLS, Michigan (AP) — Andre Drummond had 25 points and 18 rebounds and made some crucial free throws when he was fouled intentionally, helping the Detroit Pistons rally to a 104-99 victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers on Tuesday night.
LeBron James scored 23 of his 30 points in the first half, but the Pistons doubleteamed him on a couple of big possessions down the stretch and Cleveland couldn’t convert. The Cavs lost their second straight after winning eight in a row. Drummond's free throw with 2:07 left gave the Pistons a 98-97 advantage, and Detroit was able to hold on. It was 102-99 with 13.8 seconds remaining after Reggie Jackson made two free throws for the Pistons. J.R. Smith then missed a contested 3-pointer from near the top of the key. WARRIORS 115, RAPTORS 110
OAKLAND, California (AP)
Detroit Pistons’ Andre Drummond (0) tries going to the basket against Cleveland Cavaliers’ Timofey Mozgov during the first half of an NBA basketball game Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015, in Auburn Hills, Mich. Drummond led the Pistons with 25 points and pulled down 18 points in a 104-99 win. Associated Press
— Stephen Curry scored 37 points to lead defending champion Golden State to its 12th straight win to open the season, a hard-fought victory over Toronto.
Klay Thompson added 19 points and Andrew Bogut scored 13 for the Warriors, off to the best start since Dallas won the first 14 games in 2002-03. Golden State needs three wins to equal the NBA record of 15-0 held by the 1948-49 Washington Capitols and the 1993-94 Houston Rockets. It didn’t come easy as Toronto fought back from an 18-point deficit and trailed by one late in the game with the ball. But Kyle Lowry was called for an offensive foul and Curry hit two free throws to help seal it. Lowry and DeMar DeRozan scored 28 points apiece for the Raptors, who have lost five of seven following a 5-0 start. NUGGETS 115, PELICANS 98 NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Danilo Gallinari scored a season-high 32 points for the
Nuggets and New Orleans' Anthony Davis hurt his left shoulder in the first quarter as Denver defeated the downtrodden Pelicans. Jameer Nelson scored all 16 of his points in the last 14:10 of the game, helping Denver secure its fourth victory in five games. Will Barton added 17 points and Gary Harris 16.
Ryan Anderson scored 24 and Eric Gordon 19 for the injury-riddled Pelicans, who were able to stay within single digits most of the game before fading in the final minutes.
NEW YORK (AP) — Brook Lopez had 26 points and Thaddeus Young hit two free throws with 1.4 seconds left to give Brooklyn a victory over Atlanta.
After a timeout, Young knocked away Thabo Sefolosha’s inbounds pass to Al Horford as time expired. Young finished with 16 points and 11 rebounds. Jarrett Jack and Shane Larkin each had 14. □
Kevin Mchale fired by Houston Rockets after 4-7 start
In this April 5, 2015, file photo, Houston Rockets head coach Kevin McHale, left, and assistant coach J.B. Bickerstaff, right, gesture in the fourth quarter of an NBA basketball game against the Oklahoma City Thunder in Oklahoma City.
Associated Press
months ago, Kevin McHale coached the Houston Rockets to the Western Conference finals for the first time in 18 years.
There are high expectations for the team again this season behind James Harden and Dwight Howard, but McHale won’t be around to see where the Rockets end up: Houston
fired McHale on Wednesday with the team off to a puzzling 4-7 start.
“The team was not responding to Kevin McHale and we had to make the tough call," general manager Daryl Morey said a few hours before the Rockets took a four-game skid into their game against Portland “And we had to make it soon. There is not time in the tough Western Conference to wait for a
Three of Houston's losses were by 20 points and two others were by more 12 or more points. Morey was asked what indications he saw that the team wasn’t responding to McHale.
“I think you just watch our team play and it’s not that difficult (to see),” Morey said. “You're a team coming off a Western Conference final run and you're a team with mostly the same group and it was not working. We will change until it’s working. We win at the Rockets. (Owner Leslie Alexander) does not accept losing. I do not accept losing. No one accepts losing.”
Assistant J. B. Bickerstaff will take over as interim head coach.
McHale was in his fifth season with Houston and is coming off a 56-26 season where the Rockets fell to eventual champion Golden State in the conference championship. The
57-year-old Hall of Fame player went 193-130 with the Rockets.
“Bottom line is we believe in this team,” Morey said. “We believe in the players we have. We know this team can win. We know but we aren’t in a good place and ... we're going to make changes until we win.”
The Rockets opened the season with three straight losses, then won four in a row before losing again. The same roster as a year ago added dynamic point guard Ty Lawson, but the team has not really gelled and McHale complained about the effort of the team and its sloppy play. “At times, I wouldn't say full effort all the time, no,” McHale said after a blowout loss to Boston in which Houston blew an early 15-point lead. “Things aren’t going our way and we hang our head. We haven’t put together really good basketball all year
The team had a playersonly meeting on Tuesday to discuss the issues, something that encouraged Morey.
“It's not all about the head coach,” Morey said. “Everyone needs to look and figure out what to do better and I think the players were doing that (Tuesday) and I think it was positive." McHale spent his entire playing career in Boston after he was the third overall pick in the 1980 draft. The power forward helped the Celtics win it all in 1981, ‘84 and ‘86. The two-time NBA Sixth Man of the Year was named one of the NBA's 50 greatest players in 1996 and was inducted into the Hall in 1999.
After his playing career, he spent several years as an executive with the Timberwolves before coaching the team for parts of the 2004-05 and 2008-09 seasons after coaches were fired.□
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NHL Capsules
Thornton, Marleau goals lead Sharks to 5-4 win over Bruins
IJ I rf*fkl ▼ 1/ M

Pittsburgh Penguins’ Sidney Crosby (87) and Patric Hornqvist (72) try to get to a loose puck in front of Minnesota Wild goalie Devan Dubnyk (40) with Jared Spurgeon (46) defending during the third period of an NHL hockey game in Pittsburgh Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015. The Penguins won 4-3.
Associated Press
The Associated Press BOSTON (AP) — Patrick Marleau and Joe Thornton scored 25 seconds apart in the second period to put the San Jose Sharks ahead, and they held on to beat the Boston Bruins 5-4 on Tuesday night.
Joe Pavelski got the scoring started 42 seconds into the game for the Sharks and had two assists. Melker Karlsson had a goal and an assist, also in the big second period when the Sharks capitalized on a string of Bruin penalties. Joonas Donskoi scored in the first period and Brent Burns had two assists for San Jose, which won its third straight.
Brad Marchand, Loui Eriksson, Patrice Bergeron and Tyler Randell each scored for Boston.
BUFFALO, New York (AP) — Valeri Nichushkin scored 51 seconds into the game and Antti Niemi stopped 24 shots to help the Stars beat the Sabres.
Jason Spezza and Tyler Seguin also scored, and Dallas won a late coach’s challenge on the way to becoming the first NHL team to 15 wins this season. The Stars' 30 points are tied with Montreal and the New York Rangers for tops in the league.
Ryan O’Reilly’s power-play goal with 6:57 to play broke Niemi's shutout bid. Sam Reinhart tied the score moments later only to see the goal overturned after Stars coach Lindy Ruff challenged the call, and video review showed Tyler Ennis to be offside.
Linus Ullmark made 26 saves for Buffalo, losers of two straight at home.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Brandon Saad scored twice to help the Blue Jackets beat the Blues for their first three-game winning streak of the season.
Cody Goloubef also scored for Columbus, which has won five of its last seven games. Sergei Bobrovsky continues to recover from his poor start, making 19 saves for a 5-1-0 record in his last six games.
Kevin Shattenkirk scored for banged-up St. Louis, which beat Winnipeg on Monday but has dropped three of four. Brian Eilliot finished with 35 stops.
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Anze Kopitar scored in the shootout to lead the Kings to a victory over the Flyers.
Milan Lucic and Jamie McBain scored in regulation for Los Angeles, which opened a five-game road trip with its 12th win in 15 games while improving to 5-1 on the road this season. Claude Giroux and Shayne Gostisbehere scored in regulation for Philadelphia. Jonathan Quick had 36 saves through overtime for the Kings, and then stopped Sam Gagner, Giroux and Jakub Voracek in the shootout.
Philadelphia’s Steve Mason had 38 saves and a stop on Jeff Carter in the shootout. PENGUINS 4, WILD 3 PITTSBURGH (AP) — Evgeni Malkin scored two goals and picked up two assists for his first four-point game in two seasons to lead the Penguins over Minnesota. David Perron and Beau Bennett also scored for Pittsburgh, which rode Malkin's inspired play to win for just the second time in five games. Marc-Andre Fleury made 26 saves as the Pen guins, which lost defenseman Olli Maatta to an injury in the second period. Mikael Granlund had a goal and an assist for the Wild. Jared Spurgeon and Mikko Koivu collected power play goals for Minnesota as it nearly rallied from a three-goal deficit. Devon Dubnyk stopped 25 shots as the Wild lost in regulation for only the second time in their last nine games.
TORONTO (AP) — P.A. Parenteau scored twice as Toronto had four power-play goals and a short-handed score in a victory over Colorado.
Bozak had his first powerplay goal of the season, Leo Komarov had Toronto’s first short-handed goal, and James van Riemsdyk also scored to help the Maple Leafs win for the fourth time in five games. James Reimer stopped 34 shots for
his fourth straight win.
Erik Johnson scored for Colorado. Reto Berra started and gave up four goals on 26 shots before he was pulled. Calvin Pickard came on in the third period and stopped three of the four shots he faced. PREDATORS 3, DUCKS 2 NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP)
— James Neal and Miikka Salomaki gave Nashville the lead, and Pekka Rinne stopped 38 shots to lead the Predators over the Ducks.
Shea Weber also scored as Nashville won for the third time in four games.
Rickard Rakell and Mike Santorelli had goals for the Ducks, who have lost four of five. Frederik Andersen gave up three goals on 10 shots and was replaced in the second period by Anton Khudobin, who stopped all 11 shots he faced. FLAMES 3, DEVILS 2 CALGARY, Alberta (AP)
— David Jones scored his
team-leading seventh goal of the season and added an assist to lead the Flames to a win over the Devils. Jones one-timed a pass from linemate Joe Colborne past New Jersey goalie Cory Schneider at 6:09 of the second period for his 100th career NHL goal.
TJ Brodie and Matt Stajan also scored for the Flames, who beat the Devils for the sixth straight time dating back to Jan. 10, 2012. Making his ninth straight start for Calgary, Karri Ramo stopped 18 shots.
Bobby Farnham and Jordin Tootoo scored for the Devils, while Schneider finished with 27 saves.
In other NHL games it was Los Angeles 3, Philadelphia 2, SO; San Jose 5, Boston 4; Dallas 3, Buffalo 1; Columbus 3, St. Louis 1; Pittsburgh 4, Minnesota 3; Toronto 5, Colorado 1; Nashville 3, Anaheim 2; and Calgary 3, New Jersey 2.Q
Tiger Woods to be vice captain at Ryder Cup
In this Monday, Sept. 28, 2015, file photo, David Beckham poses for photographers upon arrival at the Pride of Britain Awards 2015 in London. Associated Press
Soccer star David Beckham is People’s Sexiest Man Alive
U.S. Davis Cup captian Davis love III talks to reporters at St. Simons Island, Ga., Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. Love said that Tiger Woods, Jim Furyk and Steve Strieker will be vice captains for the 2016 matches in Minnesota.
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES (AP) — British soccer star David Beckham has been an international sex symbol for nearly two decades, but he says he’s still flattered to be named People magazine's 30thanniversary Sexiest Man Alive.
“It’s a huge honor,” the 40-year-old Beckham told the magazine, which announced its choice on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on Tuesday night. “I'm very pleased to accept,” he
Continued from Page 1 7
“Was not at the right time to know that,” Nadal said before praising Murray’s ingenuity with the scissors. “It's a good solution.” Maybe it helped a bit, because Murray then held his serve. But soon Nadal was back on top, breaking to end the first set. With his hair in check, Murray’s serve started to cause some problems. He ended up with four double-faults, including two in a row during his first service game of the second set. When Murray missed the first serve of the following point, a fan in the crowd, presumably in favor of Nadal, shouted out “cinco” to note it was his fifth straight fault. The
And his famous fashion designer wife, Victoria Beckham, approves, too, Beckham said.
“I would hope that she feels fhis way abouf me all fhe fime anyway!" he said. Buf fhe father of four insists he doesn’t think of himself as being all that hot. “I never feel that I’m an attractive, sexy person,” Beckham told People — presumably with a straight faceO
next serve went in, but a backhand that sailed wide gave Nadal a 2-0 lead as the Spaniard won nine of 10 points during that stretch. Murray ended up landing only 43 percent of his first serves, and only 38 percent in the second set. “From the middle till the end of the second set, he played extremely well,” Murray said. "But I didn't really help myself. I served poorly at the end of the first set and all through the second.” Nadal beat French Open champion Stan Wawrinka in his opening match, and will next face already-eliminated David Ferrer on Friday. Murray will play Wawrinka on the same day for the other spot in the semifinals. In Wednesday’s lafe mafeh at the 02 Arena, Wawrinka overcame an early break in the first set to beat Ferrer 7-5, 6-2. For Nadal, his play so far af fhe fourna
DOUG FERGUSON AP Golf Writer ST. SIMONS ISLAND, Ga. (AP) — Tiger Woods will be at the Ryder Cup next year. Still to be determined is whether he plays.
U.S. captain Davis Love III said Wednesday that Woods, Jim Furyk and Steve Strieker will be vice
ment has been a continuation of his lafe season improvement during a year in which he has lost 19 times, a relatively staggering number for him. Even at the French Open, a tournament he has won a record nine times, Nadal lost in the quarterfinals. But since his third round exit at the U.S.
captains for the 2016 matches at Hazeltine in Minnesota. It was part of an agreement with Europe to expand to a maximum of five vice captains. Woods, however, wants to do both.
“Tiger has said, ‘I want to make the team and also be a (vice) captain,'" Love
Open, things have gotten better. He is now 15-4 since then. “Just another step for me (to) be able to play at that level against such a great player is good news,” Nadal said. “Just want to try to keep working the same way to keep confirming that I am in the completely right direction.”□
said. “Tiger wants to be a playing assistant. That's his goal.”
It seems like an audacious one given the state of the 14-time major champion. Woods has played only 20 tournaments in the last two years because of a pair of back surgeries and a recent follow-up procedure on his back. He has said it would be a long, tedious recovery and did not know when he could return to competition.
Woods has only one top 10 in the last two years.
Furyk and Strieker were vice captains in the Presidents Cup last month in South Korea. Strieker has been playing a reduced schedule the last few years and has slipped oufside fhe fop 200 in fhe world ranking. Furyk is No. 9 in the world and is coming off a solid season wifh his 17th career win and $3.7 million. The five vice captains would allow one of them to be with each match during the team sessions, with another that Love described as a “floater.” Last year at Gleneagles, European captain Paul McGinley had one of his assistants with the players who sat out some of the team sessions.
Love already announced former Ryder Cup captain Tom Lehman as one of his assistants.
“These three guys joining Tom Lehman will send a message to our team that we are really serious about this Ryder Cup, so that the members know that we're going to do whatever it takes to put them in the best position to win in 2016,” Love said.
Europe has won six out of the last seven times. Among the strategies that came out of a Ryder Cup Task Force was to have vice captains who were either past captains for would be considered future captain. Love approached Woods, Furyk, Strieker and Phil Mickelson about being vice captainsO
Stan Wawrinka of Switzerland celebrates winning at match point against David Ferrer of Spain during their singles tennis match at the ATP World Tour Finals at the 02 Arena in London,
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015.
Associated Press
Google antsy as California slow on self-driving car rules
This Friday, Nov. 13, 2015, photo provided by Virginia Tech shows the Automated Vehicle Info Center display panel of a self-driving car during a test ride showing the alert system handing over control to the driver on a local street in Blacksburg, Va. Associated Press
JUSTIN PRITCHARD Associated Press MOUNTAIN VIEW, California (AP) — Google wants the freedom to give the public access to self-driving cars it has been testing on public roads since the summer. Before granting that permission, California regulators want tech titan to prove these cars of the future already drive as safely as people.
Delay is not what Google had in mind when it pushed the 2012 legislation that made California one of the few states officially to authorize self-driving cars. Google’s hope was to trade the independence to innovate without government oversight for regulatory certainty. California's Department of Motor Vehicles was supposed to write precedentsetting rules of the road by last Jan. 1. Nearly a year later, it is still struggling. The agency is geared to administering driving tests and registering cars, not
TALI ARBEL AP Business Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Univision is the latest media company to offer a streaming service as it prepares for an initial public offering. Following in the footsteps of HBO, CBS and Showtime, broadcast networks Univision and UniMas can now be streamed for $6 a month or $60 a year.
The two channels are already free to anyone with a TV and an antenna. The new service, called Univision Now, is geared toward people who want to watch on their phones, computers and tablets. You would also be able to watch shows on a TV through Apple's AirPlay, which lets you beam from your iPhone or iPad to the screen.
The media company with a huge Hispanic audience announced an IPO in July. But TV watchers are in settling complicated questions the technology raises. If the cars' advanced sensors and computing power can drive better than humans, do they need a steering wheel and pedals? Would a person even need to be inside? Google says no on both.
Regulators don’t want to be blamed for unnecessarily stalling the arrival of robo-chauffeurs that can see farther, react faster and don’t text, speed or fall asleep. They've implored Google and traditional automakers also developing the technology to share safety data, but companies in competition don’t willingly reveal trade secrets.
While self-driving cars are not close to being widely available, Google hinted in 2014 it wanted to get self-driving cars into public hands as early as 2016, probably starting with employees outside its small corps of self-driving car experts.
creasingly moving online, causing volatility in the shares of media companies. Univision and UniMas are already available as part of a $5 add-on pack on Sling TV, Dish Network's online mini-bundle. Streams are live, and there is a "DVR” function that stores all video for up to three days. Not everything on the channels will be on the app, but soc
More recently, the project's leader, Chris Urmson, has said he doesn't want his eldest son to need a driver's license when he turns 16 in 3-1 /2 years.
The bubble-shaped, twoseater prototype can’t go
cer games are. (CBS' subscription service has some sports blackouts.)
Local news from Houston, Los Angeles and New York that Univision broadcasts is available and other markets will be added, said Univision spokeswoman Rosemary Mercedes. Univision Communications Inc. also owns cable channels and has digital investments like FlamaQ
anywhere, any time. It is limited to places Google has surveyed in far greater detail than its online maps. It can't handle fog or snow. Top speed: 25 mph. Google’s 73 cars are among the 98 test vehicles that California’s DMV has given 10 companies permission to test publicly. Though trained test drivers must sit behind the wheel, Google wants to remove the wheel and pedals for the general public. Its argument: It would be safer to take all control away than expect a person to snap safely to attention in an emergency.
As a famously data-driven company, Google proposes a composite sketch of evidence would show its cars are safe.
Each day, Google runs more than 3 million miles (nearly 5 million kilometers) of computerized driving simulations. Engineers devise challenging realworld situations, then see how the cars respond. A “functional safety analysis” assesses what hardware or software might fail and how to minimize those risks. Public road testing is the last piece. Google reports its cars have been involved in 17 collisions over 2.2 million miles (3.5 million kilometers) of testing, nearly 1.3 million miles (about 2 million kilometers) in self driving mode. While that accident rate appears to be higher than for human drivers (though Google disputes that), accident summaries Google has published say its cars did not cause any accident. Google has pressed California’s DMV to publish regulations far harder than any other company.
“Our team is concerned about the delay,” according to an invitation for a conference call last December that Google sent California officials, who released it under a public records act request.
Both before and after, Google representatives consistently checked with officials at the DMV and California Stafe Transportation Agency about the status of rules. State officials have trooped from Sacramento to Silicon Valley for test rides, while Google's technical experts and lobbyists have headed to the capital for briefings or talks about regulation writing.
At the DMV, officials have pleaded for input from Google and traditional automakers to help set a clear, objective safety standard. At a meeting in May in Washington, traditional automakers joined Google in voicing concern that regulation — particularly in California — could stifle innovation. □
Latest channel to offer itself sans cable bundle: Univision
This Aug. 5, 2003, file photo, shows the exterior of Univision’s Los Angeles headquarters. Associated Press
Lowe’s 3rd-quarter results top Street view as sales climb
Lowe’s third-quarter results beat analysts’ estimates as its sales rose, buoyed by the ongoing housing market recovery.
The home-improvement retailer's performance is similar to that of rival Home Depot Inc., which posted strong quarterly results a day earlier.
Sales of existing homes rose 4.7 percent in September,
according to The National Association of Realtors, indicating that demand for housing remains steady. Housing starts climbed 6.5 percent that month, according to the Commerce Department.
For the period ended Oct. 30, Lowe’s Cos. earned $736 million, or 80 cents per share. That compares with $585 million, or 59 cents per share, a year ago.
The results exceeded Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of 14 analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of 78 cents per share.
Revenue increased to $14.36 billion from $13.68 billion. Eleven analysts surveyed by Zacks expected $14.31 billion in revenue. Sales at stores open at least a year, a key indica tor of a retailer’s health, climbed 4.6 percent as there were more transactions and customers spent more. This figure excludes results from stores recently opened or closed.
Lowe’s said Wednesday that comparable sales for its U.S. home improvement business climbed 5 percent in the quarter. Lowe’s still anticipates fiscal 2015 earnings of about
$3.29 per share, with sales rising 4.5 percent to 5 percent. Analysts polled by FactSet predict earnings of $3.29 per share.
The Mooresville, North Carolina-based company had 1,849 home improvement and hardware stores in the U.S., Canada and Mexico at quarter's end.
Lowe's shares slipped 3 cents to $72.82 in midday trading WednesdayO
Deal news, bank gains send stock market solidly higher
Trader John Panin, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. U.S. stocks notched their best day in nearly four weeks on Wednesday as investors welcomed new hints pointing to a Federal Reserve interest rate hike in coming weeks. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
ALEX VEIGA AP Business Writer
U.S. stocks notched their best day in nearly four weeks on Wednesday as investors welcomed new hints pointing to a Federal Reserve interest rate hike in coming weeks. Trader were also encouraged by more corporate deal news. The rally pushed the Standard & Poor’s 500 index back into positive territory for the year.
ConAgra Foods jumped 4 percent on news the company is spinning off its frozen potatoes business. Railroad operator Norfolk Southern rose 6 percent after receiving an unsolicited takeover offer by Canadian Pacific.
Stocks in financial companies, which tend to benefit from rising interest rates, were among the biggest gainers after traders digested the minutes from the Fed’s October policy meeting. The minutes show that officials believed that the economy could improve enough to jus tify a rate hike at the central bank’s meeting next month.
“The market today is just reinforcing the view that most likely the Fed is going to move in December, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing for either the economy” or the stock market, said Jeremy Zirin, chief equities strategist at UBS Wealth Management Americas.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose 247.66 points, or 1.4 percent, to 17,737.16. The Standard & Poor's 500 index gained 33.14 points, or 1.6 percent, to 2,083.58. That’s the S&P 500’s best gain since Oct. 22. The Nasdaq composite added 89.19 points, or 1.8 percent, to 5,075.20.
The Fed meeting minutes revealed that Fed officials believed the U.S. job market would improve further and that inflation would begin to move toward their 2 percent annual target by the time the group meets next month. They also took note of the U.S. economy’s
resilience through a summer of financial market turbulence and felt that global threats had “diminished.”
The Fed has kept its benchmark for short-term rates near zero since late 2008. A string of rate hikes can eventually weigh on stock
markets, but investors have mostly become prepared for the Fed to act next month and don’t anticipate that an initial rate hike will derail the bull market. Major stock indexes headed higher as trading got going early Wednesday and maintained the mo mentum throughout the day.
The government’s latest tally of U.S. home construction didn’t slow down the rally, despite delivering news that builders broke ground on fewer houses and apartments in OctoberO
ConAgra transformation continues, spins off Lamb Weston
ConAgra is spinning off its frozen potatoes business in an ongoing effort to intensify its focus on key name brand foods.
The company said Wednesday that it will split off leading brands such as Chef Boyardee and Healthy Choice into Conagra Brands Inc. It will spin off its frozen potato business under the Lamb Weston name.
The split is expected to be complete by fall of 2016.
Its shares jumped more than 3 percent in morning trading.
“The decision to separate into two pure-play companies reflects our ongoing commitment to implementing bold changes in order to deliver sustainable growth and enhanced shareholder value,” said CEO Sean Connolly, in a printed statement.
There have been some big changes at ConAgra this year. The company announced the sale of most of its private-label operations to TreeHouse Foods Inc. for about $2.7 billion. It also plans to cut 1,500 jobs, about 30 percent of its office-based workforce, as it moves its headquarters from Omaha, Nebraska, to Chicago.
Conagra Brands Inc., with Connolly as CEO,
will include the Marie Callender’s, Hunt’s, ROTEL, Reddi-wip, Slim Jim, PAM, Chef Boyardee, Orville Redenbacher’s, P.F. Chang’s, and Healthy Choice brands. It will also include several other businesses, such as Spicetec Flavors & Seasonings. The operations included in the restructured company comprised $7.2 billion in revenue in fiscal 2015. Lamb Weston’s portfolio
will consist of frozen potato, sweet potato, appetizer and other vegetable products, and will have a continued presence in retail frozen products under licensed brands and private brands. ConAgra said Lamb Weston generated revenues of approximately $2.9 billion in fiscal 2015.
Leadership at Lamb Weston will be determined at a later date.Q
Regulators say Barclays to pay §150M, fire executive
Target profit climbs as customer traffic increases over 3Q
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Target says its sales rose 1.9 percent at established locations in the third quarter as it worked to revive its business by strengthening flagship categories like clothing and children's products.
Still, the uptick was a slowdown from the previous quarter, when sales rose 2.4 percent at established locations. Growth of digital sales also slowed to 20 percent, and fell short of the company's expectations. Previously, Target had forecast digital growth of 30 percent for fhe period.
Its shares fell almost 5 percent by midday Wednesday.
Looking ahead to the critical holiday shopping season. Target CEO Brain Cornell also said the company is confident about its plans and the Minneapolis-based company expects sales to climb 1 to 2 percent for the final three months of the year. The company lifted the low end of its earnings outlook for fhe year.
A day earlier, Wal-Mart reported stronger-thanexpected sales for its third quarter and said it expected an uptick in sales for the holidays. Moody's vice president Charlie O’Shea noted profit margins for retailers could be affected during the holidays as retailers rely on heavy promotions to draw customers.
Target Corp. was once the discount industry's darling by pioneering the idea of trendy fashions for affordable prices. But the company lost customers during the recession after focusing too much on expanding everyday grocery items like milk. Cornell took over as CEO last year. For the three months ended Oct. 31, Target said its sales were drive by strength in signature categories including style, baby, kids and wellness. Profit rose to $549 million, or 87 cents per share in the period .□
ALBANY, New York (AP) —
New York regulators say the British bank Barclays will pay a $150 million penalty and fire an executive for misconduct related to its automated electronic foreign exchange trading. The Department of Financial Services says the mis
Canadian Pacific offered more details and defended its offer to join two of North America’s biggest railroads, but Norfolk Southern offered only a lukewarm response and regulators have expressed significant concerns about any rail mergers.
Norfolk Southern said the offer of $46.72 cash and 0.348 shares in the combined company represented a premium of less than 10 percent of its stock price on Tuesday. Canadian Pacific said that the offer could deliver nearly 60 percent premium, but it based its calculation on an estimate of what the combined railroads might be worth next March.
It’s clear the two railroads haven’t agreed on the value of their operations or the likelihood that such a merger would be approved. Canadian Pacific spokesman Martin Cej said his company has only made an offer to talk with Norfolk Southern about a deal, not a formal bid.
"This is nof a quick-anddirty takeover,” Cej said. "It is one that assumes the shareholders of Norfolk Southern would want to take part in the combined growth of the company in the future.”
Canadian Pacific said that combined, the railroads would be more efficient, reap tax savings and create a transcontinental network linking major North American industrial centers, cities and ports.
This offer comes a year after Canadian Pacific discussed a possible merger with Norfolk Southern's main competitor in the
conduct concerns Barclays' “Last Look" system, and the bank is terminating its global head of electronic fixed income, currencies, and commodities automated flow trading.
Regulators say Barclays used the system in certain
Eastern United States, CSX railroad. Those talks ended abruptly after a failure to agree on a number of issues.
Railroads are under pressure due to flagging demand for coal with exports weak and U.S. utilities switching to natural gas. Norfolk Southern’s coal revenue dropped 23 percent to $482 million during the third quarter. The company has taken roughly 300 miles of track primarily used for coal out of service over the past 18 months in response to the lower volume.
Citi analyst Christian Wetherbee said if Canadian Pacific is willing to increase its offer a bit, it might be able to persuade Norfolk Southern shareholders to support a merger.
“While NS's response was cool, we believe this offer to be a starting point as opposed to an ending point,” Wetherbee said. Norfolk Southern will face pressure
instances to automatically reject client orders that would be unprofitable for the bank because of subsequent price swings during milliseconds-long hold periods.
Barclays says the settlement concerns trading in 2009-2014 primarily for
to explain the advantages of going it alone.
Shares of the Norfolk, Virginia, company closed at $86.97 on Tuesday and have climbed nearly 9 percent since media reports of a possible deal surfaced earlier this month. The stock jumped more than 6 percent Wednesday. Canadian Pacific estimates that by the time a formal offer is announced in late March, the total value of the cash-stock deal will be $126.18, based on the future value of this combined company. That represents a 59 percent premium to a 45-day average closing price for Norfolk Southern's stock before fhe deal reports surfaced.
Norfolk Southern shareholders would hold a 41 percent stake in the new company.
Even if Norfolk Southern backs a merger, it will face a challenging review from the federal Surface Trans internal systems and control failures, and the penalty will be reflected in its fourth-quarter results.
In May, the bank settled an enforcement case related to spot foreign exchange trading for $2.4 billion with U.S. and New York authorities. □
portation Board.
There have been no major railroad mergers since regulators imposed tough restrictions 2001. In addition to blocking any deal that reduces competition, railroads must come up with a plan to minimize service disruptions.
Stifel Nicolaus analyst John Larkin said Canadian Pacific has proposed an innovative approach to preserving competition by allowing shippers to use another railroad on the combined Canadian PacificNorfolk Southern network if the shipper didn’t believe it was receiving adequate service.
But Larkin said the deal would need support from other railroads and major shippers, and if if were approved, fhe deal could trigger a rash of rail mergers that would likely disrupt traffic. Shares of of her major railroads rose sharply Wednesday.Q
Canadian Pacific defends bid for Norfolk Southern railroad
Canadian Pacific Railway CEO Hunter Harrison speaks at the company’s annual meeting in Calgary, Alberta. Canadian Pacific offered more details and defended its offer to join two of North America’s biggest railroads. (Larry MacDougal/The Canadian Press/AP)
6 Chix
Mother Goose & Grimm
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Difficulty Level ★★★ 11/19
Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Sudoku increases from Monday to Sunday.
Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews 11/19/15
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1 Traditional spot for a piercing 4 Synagogue leader
9 “Father Knows of old TV 13 Has bills
15 Indian or Arctic
16 Apiece
17 _ as a pin
18 Largest U.S. bank
19 Herr’s wife
20 Made a rope less taut
22 Charitable gift
23 McClanahan and others
24 Sick 26 Pushed
29 Aristocracy
34 _ over; studies intently
35 Barn newborns
36 Zodiac sign
37 Carpets
38 Identical
39 Robin or raven
40 Happy _ clam
41 Accumulate
42 Stop
43 Stubborn persistence
45 “Messiah” composer
46 Next month: abbr.
47 Lion’s neck hair
48 Fizzy drink 51 Find out for
56 Very excited
57 Chin hair
58 Decorate, as a Christmas tree
60 Egg on
61 Big
62 Sharpen
63 Couldn’t care
isn’t at all concerned
64 TV’s Pompeo
65 Tennis court divider
1 Geologic period
2 Astounds
3 Bona fide
4 _ the boat; caused trouble
5 Fibromyalgia symptoms
6 Pinto or lima
7 Foundation
8 Not for human consumption
9 Happen to
10 Jimmy Carter’s middle name
11 Shady deal
12 Therefore
14 Suffers
extreme hunger
21 Hints to actors
25 Fleur-de-_
26 “Jack _ could eat no fat...”
27 Monopoly player’s buy
28 Keyboard instrument
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31 Epic by Homer
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39 Under
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42 Isn’t able to
44 Old sayings
45 Solidify
47 Come together
48 Israel’s 1st king
49 Monster
50 Pugs & chows
52 Official stamp
53 Jung or Reiner
54 Scientist’s “Fe”
55 Largest digit 59 Encountered
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Absurdly hot October as Earth sets 8th heat record this year
Even in a record-breaking hot year for Earth, October stood out as absurdly warm.
The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that last month globally was 58.86 degrees (14.98 degrees Celsius). That’s the hottest October on record by a third of a degree over the old mark, “an incredible amount” for weather records, said NOAA climate scientist Jessica Blunden.
October’s temperature was the most above-normal month in history. It was 1.76 degrees Fahrenheit (0.98 degrees Celsius) above the 20th-century average.
“A complete blowout,” said Jeffrey Sachs, director of Columbia University’s Earth Institute. “This year is going to be an all-time record-breaker.”
This was the eighth month this year when a heat record was set, with only January and April not setting records. That's a record
Man finds sea turtle in northern California river
rare sea turtle usually seen near Mexico seems to be living in a northern California river.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that fisherman Dan Maloon thought he saw a plastic bag floating in the San Joaquin River recently, but looked closer and realized it was a turtle. He shot video of the creature and shared it with experts.
Marine wildlife experts at
Turtle Island Restoration Network confirmed that it was an Eastern Pacific green sea turtle. The species is endangered and most commonly found in waters off central and southern Mexico.
The turtle might have been lured north by warm El Nino waters, but the temperature of water in northern California could cause hypothermia.
The turtle was last seen in LathropO
back to 1880.
Blunden and other scientists blame a potent and strengthening El Nino on top of accelerating manmade global warming. “This is just a new normal,” Blunden said. “I don’t know what really else to call it.” Nearly every team that measures temperatures found that October 2015 was a record, including
NASA, the Japanese Meteorological Agency, University of California at Berkeley and University of Alabama at Huntsville, which measures the upper air using satellites, Blunden said. Record heat was found in Australia, southern Asia, parts of western North America, much of central and southern Africa, most of Central America and
northern South America, according to NOAA.
It's also the hottest January through October for Earth on record, along with the hottest consecutive 12 months on record.
Given that the El Nino continues to strengthen and how much warmer 2015 is than previous years, Blunden said “it is virtually just impossible that we will not break the record" for the hottest year. That record was set in 2014. Since the year 2000, global monthly heat records have been broken 32 times, yet the last time a monthly cold record was set was in 1916.□
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Land & Ocean Temperature Departure from Average Oct 2015 (with respect to a 1961-2010 base period)
Dala Source - GHCN-M version 3 3.0 A ERSST version 4.0.0
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Ty*MCrv 17 0* 54 34 E^T W5
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number of broken records in any year. Records go
This graphic provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows land and ocean temperatures for October 2015.
Associated Press
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35 years ago, ‘Dallas’ fans found out who shot J.R. Ewing
In this Nov. 21,1980, file photo, actress Mary Crosby, daughter of late entertainer Bing Crosby, and actor Larry Hagman, who plays J.R. Ewing in the popular TV series “Dallas,” appear at a party in Los Angeles. Associated Press
FRAZIER MOORE AP Television Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Thirtyfive years ago this Saturday, viewers learned the truth.
They got the answer to the question that bedeviled them for months.
They found out who shot J.R. Ewing as 90 million of them massed in front of half the nation’s TVs watching “Dallas” that evening of Nov. 21, 1980.
Not that it really mattered whodunit. What mattered was, the issue was settled. The mystery solved. “Dallas” fans could finally move on.
So could “Dallas," which, by the time the shooter’s identity was disclosed, had rocketed from its prior status as a mere TV hit to the far reaches of cultural blockbuster-dom.
A saga of the Texas tycoon Ewings, “Dallas” was epic, ostentatious, outrageous and addictive, with its at-each-other's-throats clan ruled by J.R. Ewing, a charmingly loathsome oil baron. As embodied by Larry Hagman, J.R. was a bottomless well of corruption who deployed a Lone Star twang, cold hawk eyes and a wicked grin.
By the evening of March 21, 1980, “Dallas” devotees were already smitten with his villainy. But then, on that third-season finale, “Dallas” threw them a curve unlike anything witnessed before: J.R. was gunned down by an unknown assailant and
left for dead on his office floor.
Thunderstruck fans were left with the awful possibility (and somehow it seemed like a possibility) that the series’ leading man — its main attraction — might have been disposed of. And even more unsettling: They were left in the dark as to who pulled the trigger.
Obvious persons of interest included Sue Ellen Ewing (played by Linda Gray), J.R.’s long-suffering, cheated-upon wife, and his sniveling arch-enemy Cliff Barnes (Ken Kercheval). Kristin Shepard, J.R.'s sexy scheming sister-in-law/mistress, was also an attractive candidate.
But “Dallas” producers, who had cooked up the “Who Shot J.R.?” twist as an effective way to satisfy a last-minute order by CBS for two extra episodes to close out Season 3, hadn’t even settled on whodunit when they decided that the deed be done. Or, if they had, they weren't talking.
Mary Crosby says she had no idea. When she got the script, Crosby, who played Kristin, thought only, “What a great way to end the season. And J.R. certainly deserves it!”
To ensure the big secret stayed a secret to everyone, including the doer, everybody got a turn oncamera pulling the trigger. “It was a really fun day," Crosby recalls. “The pro ducers got to shoot J.R. The makeup artist got to shoot him. Larry got to shoot himself.”
Then, after they wrapped, Hagman, ever the jokester, changed into a noveltyshop vest and toasted the company with a glass of Scotch. As he drank, liquid spouted from numerous “bullet holes” in his chest. “There was never a dull moment with Larry,” Crosby chuckles.
The mystery, unleashed on viewers in March, ran rampant much longer than intended: An actors strike would shut down all TV production and push the start of the networks' Fall 1980 season into November, imposing an extra three months for the nation’s favorite guessing game to rage.
“It was extraordinary that people cared after all that time,” says Crosby.
But care, they did! Viewers scarfed up Who Shot J.R.? merchandise including T-shirts, coffee cups and beer. They put money down betting on who the culprit would be. They devoured publicity about the stunt, including a sprawling Time magazine cover story whose headline, of course, posed: “WHODUNIT?” Running for a second term. President Jimmy Carter reportedly joked at a Dallas fundraiser, “I came to Dallas to find out confidentially who shot J.R."
No luck. But in the new season’s fourth episode, the answer was finally revealed to all — including Crosby, who only then discovered that she, as Kristin, was the guilty party.
“I knew when everybody else knew,” she declares, and watching “Dallas” that fateful night “I was thrilled — and spooked. I knew that it would change things, and it did. I was certainly a more recognizable figure after that!”
Needless to say, J.R. would recover and resume his villainy. He lived even beyond the series’ conclusion after 14 seasons in May 1991, when viewers were duped into suspecting that he had committed suicide.
In fact, J.R. didn't meet his maker until March 2013 on an episode of TNT’s “Dallas” revival, following the death of Hagman at 81 from cancer four months earlier.
Crosby, now 56, would go on acting after her brief stint as Kristin, and last year appeared as herself in the “American Masters” portrait of her father, legendary crooner Bing Crosby. She remembers Hagman
as a dear friend and, on the “Dallas" set, “He taught me how to have a great time being a bad girl.
“I was there during the show’s rise, which was very exciting,” she adds. “None of us imagined what the show would become."
And she could never have imagined her place in TV history: the one who dunit. “I'm still a trivia question," she laughs. “What can I say?”Q
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Simon says part of ‘You’re So Vain’ is about Beatty
NEW YORK (AP) — Carly Simon says the second verse of her infamous song “You’re So Vain” is about Warren Beatty.
The 70-year-old singer tells People magazine that she's “confirmed that the second verse is Warren." She adds that Beatty “thinks the whole thing is about him!”
Simon will release the memoir, “Boys in the Trees,” on Nov. 24. The subjects behind “You’re So Vain,” released in 1972, have been
Jamie Foxx’s daughter,
Corinne, named Miss Golden Globe
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jamie Foxx’s daughter is going to the Golden Globe Awards. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced Tuesday that Foxx’s daughter, Corinne, will serve as Miss Golden Globe at the ceremony in January.
Corinne is a senior at the University of Southern California who recently shot a modeling campaignO
In this Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013, file photo, Carly Simon arrives at the Oceana's Partners Award Gala at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, in Beverly Hills, Calif.
Associated Press
Corinne Foxx attends the Miss Golden Globe InStyle Party held at Ysabel on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015, in West
Hollywood, Calif.
Associated Press.
DAVID BAUDER AP Entertainment Writer NEW YORK (AP) — The Irish singer Eithne Ni Bhraonain — known to the world as Enya — has essentially created her own style of music and sold some 80 million CDs in three decades. Yet when she leaves a hotel after talking about her first new work in seven years, chances are she will walk Manhattan streets unnoticed.
It's an enviable place to be in a celebrity-soaked world.
“As a musician, I love the fact that the success was on the music,” she said. “I always say that fame and success are two very different things. ... I had a choice — and not a lot of people have this choice — of whether to seek fame with this music or whether to stay back behind the music and let the music speak for itself. And, really, that’s what I did.”
Enya’s music re-enters the spotlight on Friday, with the release of “Dark Sky Island.” It debuts the same day another one-named powerhouse comes out with her new album — Adele with
her “25."
The music industry will be watching to see in this era of streaming and sharing if Enya can replicate past success. Nielsen Music says she’s sold 23.8 million albums in the United States alone.
However, there is reason for added excitemenf: Enya fans are being teased with the possibility that the 54-year-old singer, who rarely sings in public, may actually be ready to take the stage.
“Performing is something I enjoy,” she said. “The way we put an album together is very much a performance feel. We’re frying fo capture that live performance and that’s why I would know it would work on stage, and I would love to perform if.”
So why hasn’t she done so in the past?
“Time,” she said.
Making Enya’s music takes a lot of it.
She sang in the family band Clannad in the 1980s until she, producer Nicky Ryan and his wife, lyricist Roma Ryan, hit upon their signature style. A fan of producer Phil Spector and
fhe Beach Boys, Nicky Ryan uses Enya’s voice as an instrument, piling vocal tracks on top of each other, usually on a bed of synthesizers. Often she sings in her native Gaelic and other languages, even fictional ones.
Enya often wonders if it bothers her fans not to understand what she's singing about. “They all seem to pick up on the emotional performances of the song and seem to interpret their own emotions with the music,” she said.
Since the song “Orinico Flow” and album “Watermark" were hits in the late 1980s, Enya’s professional life has been consistent. She and the Ryans work as a team in an Irish studio. The music is meticulously crafted; sometimes Enya will record dozens, if not hundreds, of vocal tracks for a song, then erase them if the idea doesn’t gel. Each album takes a minimum of three years to make, with the gap before “Dark Sky Island" larger because she took time to travel.
At the first sign of success, Enya’s record company suggested a concert tour. Enya knew it would take a lot to present the music live — choirs, maybe an orchestra. Her cost-conscious company wanted something smaller, so instead she returned to the recording studio. A pattern was set and never broken. “Once I start an album, that’s all I will focus on,” she said. “But as soon as I walk away, which was only recently, you start to think, ‘Is this the album that we finally follow wifh live performances?' Because we have such a choice of songs from each album.” She’s occasionally performed on television shows and describes the experience as “wonderful.” Cameron Sfrang, chairman and CEO of Warner Bros., her record label, admitted he was surprised when Enya raised the possibility of performances wifh the new record. □
E! network canceling parody show ‘The Soup’
E! Entertainment network is pulling the plug on “The Soup," its weekly show with host Joel McHale that mocks other television series.
McHale has been host for 12 years, and the network said Wednesday that he will do the final show on Dec. 18.
The program premiered in 1991 as “Talk Soup,” specifically targeting talk shows for parody, wifh Greg Kinnear as host. John Henson, Hal Sparks and Aisha Taylor took turns as hosts before if was relaunched as “The Soup” with McHale as host in 2004.
There was no immediate word on why E! decided to end the show. □
Enya returns with ethereal style she’s made her own
a matter of speculation for years.
The singer said the No. 1 hit is about three men, including Beatty, though she isn’t naming the others.
Simon was married to James Taylor, and People says she has been linked to Mick Jagger, Kris Kristofferson, Jack Nicholson and Cat Stevens. □
This Oct. 1 4, 2015 photo shows singer Enya posing in New York to promote her new album “Dark Sky Island.”
Associated Press
In this Sept. 17, 2015 file photo, Joel McHale attends the Audi Celebrates Emmys Week 2015 in West Hollywood, Calif. Associated Press
###*###*RFROM THE NEW| A3 1
With precision and power, Todd Haynes captures ‘Carol’
In this Nov. 16, 2015 photo, director Todd Haynes poses for a portrait in New York to promote his latest film, “Carol.”
NEW YORK (AP) — Subtle and gorgeous, Todd Haynes' period romance “Carol" swells and staggers with the tremors of an unexpected love. The setting (1950s New York) and the characters (played by Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara), may seem remote to some, but few won’t recognize the film’s dreamy undulations of emotion — including the director, himself.
“It so has put me back into the mind of a much younger me when I, unfortunately, filled up many journals worth of meticulous observation and analysis and recounting of residual events that would occur in the company of that person,” Haynes said in a recent interview. “What’s funny is what a solitary predicament you find yourself in." Thaf the 54-year-old, Portland, Oregon-based Haynes was, from the start, a careful chronicler of passions should come as little surprise. In his six feature films and the HBO miniseries “Mildred Pierce,” Haynes has grown into a master of melodrama with a knack for lushly fexfured films fhaf summon earlier eras with precision and power. “Carol,” which has already been feted at the Cannes Film Festival and been ranked among the expected Oscar contenders, is adapted from a Patricia Highsmith novel originally published as “The Price of Salt” under a pseud onym in 1952. Mara plays a young department-store clerk named Therese who’s drawn into a relationship with Blanchett’s Carol, an elegant, experienced woman whose marriage is crumbling.
Their romance unfolds like a crime, hidden from view amid the male-dominated midtown of ‘50s New York. Men often clutter the frame in “Carol” — the closedminded or oblivious impediments of a time that shunned homosexuality. “There are all kinds of obstructions and they're built into so many frames of the film," says Haynes. “It makes you think about looking and who's looking at whom and the frustration of not getting to what you want.”
Such details, mixed with el ements like Carter Burwell’s sumptuous score and the camera’s keen attention to slight but meaningful gestures (a glance, a hand on a shoulder), show Haynes in full command of his filmmaking. “He primes the canvas really meticulously. You can feel the textures and the atmospheres building up and accruing during filming,” says Blanchett, who also starred in his 2007 Bob Dylan drama “I’m Not There.” "He would come in and he would just smooth a hair. He's quite painterly about the way he assembles the whole thing. It feels like if’s got Todd's hands all over it.” The Los Angelesborn Haynes, who studied semiotics as an undergrad at Brown University, has regularly been drawn to stories with gleaming surfaces
Associated Press
that cloak inner turmoil. His first film, “Supersfar: The Karen Carpenter Story,” about the singer, was made with modified Barbie dolls. His firsf feature, “Poison” — a series of tales about homosexuality — was labeled pornography before its release but became a touchstone of what was called New Queer Cinema. In “Safe” he explored the life of a San Fernando Valley homemaker (Julianne Moore) and in “Velvet Goldmine” dove into 1970s glam-rock.
“Carol” marks his second ‘50s-set film after “Far From Heaven," the Oscarnominated, Douglas Sirkinspired melodrama about a Connecticut housewife (Moore, again) whose husband is gay.
“It's been one of the great
evolutions in a career to see him grow as a moviemaker with every new movie,” says Kent Jones, director of the New York Film Festival at Lincoln Center, which is running a retrospective of Haynes. “I thought with ‘Mildred Pierce,' Todd took a huge, huge leap forward — and the same with ‘Carol.’ I think ‘Carol’ is just absolutely the most nuanced, subtle, most beautiful film he’s ever made.”
Christine Vachon, Haynes’ longtime producer, says its Haynes' obsession for detail that distinguishes him. “Every single thing in the frame is there for a reason, that draws you in, that augments the emotionality,” says Vachon. “Whether it’s the color of the couch or the music or the performance of the actor, the construction of everything you see and hear is so beautiful rendered and thought out."
At the center of virtually all of his films have been knockout performances by women, a trademark he’s proud of. But he’s also frustrated by Hollywood’s perpetual “amnesia” that films about women are necessary and successful.
“It’s always sort of like: ‘Oh wow, there’s an audience out there for this! We had no idea!'" says Haynes, who'll next make Brian Selznick’s “Wonderstruck” with Moore. “And yet the same revelation seems to kick in every time. It doesn’t seem to produce a pattern of commitment to producing similar kinds of work.
Hotels of North America’ offers insights into aloneness
This book cover image released by Little, Brown and Company shows “Hotels of North America,” by Rick Moody.
Associated Press
KIM CURTIS Associated Press
It’s tough to categorize Rick Moody’s latest literary gem as a novel. In fact, it may be best not to categorize it at all.
“Hotels of North America” is a fictional collection of online hotel reviews written by a paunchy, middle-aged, occasional motivational speaker named Reginald Edward Morse. The reviews span more than two years and cross the country. They
also span a life — loneliness, alcoholism, extramarital affairs, a failed marriage, a new love and a young daughter left behind by divorce.
Readers more comfortable with linear narratives, traditional character development and carefully unspooled plots may find “Hotels” tough-going at first. But dedication is rewarded here by Moody’s, at times, hilarious, pathetic and poi gnant “nationally recognized" RateYourLodging. com reviewer, Morse.
While Morse spends considerable time doling out practical tips for the weary traveler in search of a good night's sleep — “Do not carry keys near your keycard ... Demagnetization is a fact of life,” explaining how bed-and-breakfasf inns are marred by “throw pillow abuse” and debating whether hotel sex is inherently better than home
sex — Morse, more importantly, reveals his loneliness. He’s a victim of fhe modern affliction of being overly connected and woefully disconnected at the same time.
Moody, himself, sums it up best in a clever afterward to Morse's collected reviews that he says he was persuaded to write for a paltry $300: “It is a collection of writings about what it means to be alone.”□
THURSDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2015|rCfl I UI1C _ k 4 “ ^
Needing ‘Clean Cash,’ Mobsters Hungry for Rome’s Eateries
FRANCES D’EMILIO Associated Press ROME (AP) — Gianfranco Romeo sits at a table at his trattoria off the Pantheon, casting scorn over the idea that he’s a frontman for a feared mafia clan.
“I always had a passion for restaurant work, I began as a dishwasher," Romeo told The Associated Press at II Barroccio, as pizza-makers prepared to fire up the
oven and shovel in the pies for the evening crowd of tourists.
Romeo is among several people under investigation for suspected false property registration in one of a growing number of investigations in which mobsters are suspected of systematically buying up Roman tourist restaurants to launder cocaine profits, allegedly installing people like Romeo as figurehead owners. Romeo contended bitterly that investigators were targeting him and others merely because they are natives of Calabria, the southern region that is home to the ‘ndrangheta, one of the most feared global crime syndicates. In seizing restaurants from hard-working people like himself, he said, authorities are essentially alleging that all Calabrians in Rome are crooks.
He’s looking forward to his day in a court so he can ask prosecutors: “Why do you say I’m a figurehead when I paid with my own money?”
Prosecutors are confident they’ll have the right answer.
Along Rome’s narrow Via dei Pastini, a street thronging with tourists in search of quaint restaurants, authorities raided three trattorias.
including II Barroccio, this year as alleged fronts for money-laundering operations for the ‘ndrangheta. Authorities say the financially savvy ‘ndrangheta is hungry for legitimatebusinesses to launder the billions it rakes in from cocaine trafficking. Elsewhere in Rome, the Naples-based Camorra is allegedly following a similar recipe, prosecutors say.
The restaurants and cafes targeted in the probes still operate. Many are near landmarks such as Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona. As chefs dish out pasta and waiters pour wine, anti-Mafia investigators — huddled in their offices — scrutinize tax returns and property deeds and leases. Beyond mob-owned restaurants, tourists also stand a good chance of sleeping in hotels where more than sheets are being
laundered. In one case, prosecutors alleged that a convent turned into a hotel was acquired by the ‘ndrangheta just in time for the 2000 Holy Year — when millions of devout pilgrims poured into Rome.
“We can seize 10 businesses a day," said antiMafia prosecutor Michele Prestipino. “And they can buy up 10 more in a day." What's more, the restau rants don’t suffer any hit to their business from the mafia taint, since most tourists are blissfully unaware of the probes.
Romeo recounted how police roused him from sleep the morning two Via dei Pastini restaurants were seized. Two days later, the doors reopened, and tourists flocked back.
That, however, hasn’t been the case with the lawmakers at parliament, a short walk away from II Barroccio.
“The politicians used to come here,” said Romeo, his face glum. “Now they say they can’t come any more.”
While a few lawmakers might be avoiding the trattoria, Rome’s status as the Italian political and administrative capital is an added attraction for the mob. “You make connections, important friendships,”
Prestipino, the anti-Mafia prosecutor, told The AP in his Rome office.
And Rome offers the right ingredients for mobsters, being hundreds of kilometers (miles) from their centuries-old power bases. “It's a place where even conspicuous wealth blends in with other wealth," said Prestipino.
Restaurants and hotels in Milan, Turin and other northern cities, including in the prosperous regions of Veneto and Emilia Romagna, are also becoming ‘ndrangheta properties, according to Prestipino, who used to fight the ‘ndrangheta on its home turf in impoverished Calabria, the toe of Italy’s boot.
Alfonso Sabella, a former Sicilian magistrate who battled Cosa Nostra, has urged Rome to create a mechanism to help spot anomalies like frequent ownership changes. Sabella recently served as Rome’s first “legality commissioner" to help City Hall root out corruption and discourage infiltration by mobsters in the capital's economic fabric. The lobby group for Rome’s 15,000 restaurants is alarmed by organized crime infiltration, saying that mobsters — unlike honest restaurateurs — have nearly unlimited funds to make establishments successful as eateries, not just fronts for organized crime. “There are locales seized in the past years that were flourishing,” Fabio Spada, president of the FIPE Confcommercio Roma lobby, told AP. “They raked in a lot, independent of their vocation as money-launderers.” Indeed, in recent years, organized crime has been increasingly aiming to “make clean money from dirty money" by investing illicit revenues into legitimate sectors of the economy, said Lt. Col. Gerardo Mastrodomenico of the organized-crime squad of Italy’s tax police.
The first two Via dei Pastini trattorias — La Rotonda and Er Faciolaro — were seized in March. II Barroccio was seized in July.
Money for laundering is
usually moved through several often sophisticated financial channels, to make it harder for investigators to keep up with the money trail. To sniff out possible front men, accountants and other financial experts who work for a special anti-organized crime unit of Italy's tax police sift through property sale and lease records, comparing the profession and income declared on tax returns. That technique led to what so far has been the most high-profile anti-laundering seizure — the 2009 sequester of Cafe de Paris, a Via Veneto hangout made famous in “La Dolce Vita,” Federico Fellini's classic film. The owner on property deeds was a modestlyearning barber from a tiny hamlet in the Aspromonte mountains of Calabria, an ‘ndrangheta stronghold. Fanning out from that probe, investigators
checked out friends, and friends of friends — anyone who had any connections with those thought to be really running the Cafe de Paris. One man who caught investigators’ attention was a Calabrian-born Rome businessman, Salvatore Lania. Intercepted phone calls indicated that he has links to suspected members of a powerful ‘ndrangheta clan, said Carabinieri Col. Renato Chicoli, with a special anti-Mafia investigative unit in Rome.
When police started looking into Lania’s background, they found that his income tax returns declared “almost nothing,” Chicoli said in an interview. So how, investigators wondered, could this man suddenly start snapping up restaurants, and even a building, along pricey Via dei Pastini?
Lania, 47, is being investigated for false registration of property ownership. But he isn’t suspected of belonging to the ‘ndrangheta, said Chicoli. According to court documents filed in connection with the first Via dei Pastini seizures, none of those under probe are suspected of actually being an organized crime member. □
People walk by the Barroccio restaurant in Via dei Pastini, in Rome. Along Rome's narrow Via dei Pastini, a street thronging with tourists in search of quaint restaurants, three trattorias, including II Barroccio, were raided this year as alleged fronts for money-laundering operations for the 'ndrangheta.
(AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBATODAY-2015-11-19 (2025)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.