Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (2024)

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This is the transcript for Season 2 Episode 12 of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Mickey's Camp Out.


  • 1 Daniel's Preview for the Episode
  • 2 Title Card
  • 3 Solving the Picture Puzzle/Getting ready for the Big Clubhouse Camp Out
  • 4 Getting some Mouseketools/Heading to the campsite
  • 5 Splitting into teams/Mickey's team build their tent
    • 5.1 Mouseketool moment #1
  • 6 Minnie's team build their tent
    • 6.1 Mouseketool moment #2
  • 7 Goofy, O, and Prince Wednesday team up with Pete/Goofy's team build their tent
    • 7.1 Mouseketool moment #3
  • 8 Catching junk at Circle Lake/Waking Willie up
    • 8.1 Mouseketool moment #4
  • 9 Catching some gooey fish

Daniel's Preview for the Episode

  • Daniel: Hi, Neighbor! (holds up a picture book and shows some pictures of today’s episode) Today, we’re having a Big Clubhouse Camp Out to earn ourselves a badge. Will you come too? (pause) Grr-ific! (walks away) I'll be right back.

Title Card

  • Mickey: (V.O.) It’s the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Ha ha!
  • Mickey: (V.O.) "Mickey's Camp Out".

Solving the Picture Puzzle/Getting ready for the Big Clubhouse Camp Out

  • (The camera panned down to Mickey and Daniel.)
  • Daniel: Hi, Neighbor!
  • Mickey: Welcome to our Clubhouse!
  • (Suddenly, the Picture Puzzle started beeping.)
  • Y/n: The Picture Puzzle!
  • Mickey: Come on!
  • Daniel: What’s the picture this time?
  • (Mickey pushed the button starting the Picture Puzzle.)
  • [Song: “Picture Puzzle Song”]
  • Chorus: ♪ Picture Puzzle! Picture Puzzle! ♪
  • ♪ Picture this! ♪
  • Mickey: Hmm. (to the audience) Does this picture look right? (pause)
  • Daniel: No! That doesn't look right. Let's give it another try.
  • (Daniel pushed the button.)
  • Chorus: ♪ Picture Puzzle! Picture Puzzle! ♪
  • ♪ Picture that! ♪
  • Mickey: (to the audience) Does the picture look right now? (pause)
  • Daniel: Yeah! Sure does! (to the audience) What is it?

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (2)

  • Y/n: It's a tent!
  • Mickey: Good picture puzzling, everybody!
  • Chorus: ♪ You got the picture! ♪
  • Y/n: Why's the picture a tent?
  • Mickey: Today's the Big Clubhouse Camp Out!
  • Daniel: We can earn our Clubhouse Camp Out Badges. Getting a badge is lots of fun! We just gotta set up our tents and catch some gooey fish.
  • Mickey: (to the audience) Hey, you want to come along and help us get our camp out badges? (pause)
  • Y/n: I'm in!
  • Daniel: Tiger-tastic!
  • Mickey: Come on! Let's go get our Mouseketools from the Mousekedoer.

Getting some Mouseketools/Heading to the campsite

  • Mickey: ♪ Mouseke hey, Mouseke hi, Mouseke ho! ♪
  • ♪ Mouseke ready, Mouseke set, Here we go! ♪
  • ♪ You're a thinkin' and a solvin' work-it-througher! ♪
  • ♪ Mouseke me, Mouseke you, Mousekedoer! ♪
  • ♪ Mouseke me, Mouseke you, Mousekedoer! ♪
  • (Toodles flew in.)
  • Mickey: ♪ Oh Toodles, it's time to get to it! ♪
  • ♪ Show us the Mouseketools to help us do it! ♪
  • (Toodles inserted himself in the Mousekedoer.)
  • Mickey: ♪ Meeska! Mooska! Mousekedoer! ♪
  • ♪ Mouseketools, Mouseketools, Mouseketools! ♪
  • Chorus: ♪ Here are your Mouseketools! ♪

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (3)

  • Daniel: A leaf blower! Breezy!
  • Mickey: A woodpecker! Aw!
  • Daniel: A metal pot!
  • Mickey: And the Mystery Mouseketool. (to the audience) That's a surprise tool that can help us later.
  • (The Mouseketools were downloaded to Toodles.)
  • Mickey: ♪ Toodles has the tools, the Mouseketools! ♪
  • ♪ So when we need 'em, Toodles will bring 'em! ♪
  • ♪ He's here for meedles and youdles! (laughs) ♪
  • ♪ And all we have to say is "Oh, Toodles!" ♪
  • ♪ All we have to say is "Oh, Toodles!" ♪
  • (Toodles flew off somewhere.)
  • Mickey: Catch ya at the Camp Out, Toodles!
  • Daniel: OK! We're all packed with our Mouseketools!
  • Y/n: Let's go camping!
  • (Mickey and Co went outside to a camper van.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (4)

  • Y/n: WOW! Nice camper van!
  • Mickey: (gets in the camper van) OK! Everybody ready to get their camp out badges?
  • O: We’re all buckled up, hoo hoo!
  • Mickey: Hot dog! And away we go!
  • (Mickey and Co went to the campsite.)
  • Minnie: ♪ Mickey's campout, big event ♪
  • Donald: ♪ Doo-dah, doo-dah ♪
  • Mickey: ♪ To get a badge, you put up a tent ♪
  • Donald: ♪ Oh, de-doo-dah day ♪
  • Daisy: ♪ Then catch a gooey-fish ♪
  • Goofy: ♪ They are so delish ♪ A-hyuck!
  • All: ♪ A campout badge is fun to get ♪
  • Donald: (as he slides out of the camper van) ♪ Oh, de-doo-dah day ♪

Splitting into teams/Mickey's team build their tent

  • (Two Handy Helpers put out a boat full of camping supplies.)
  • Goofy: Convenient! A-hyuck!
  • Katerina: Let's all set up our tents, meow meow!
  • Mickey: Get a load of this!
  • (Mickey pushed a button, making 3 tents pop out.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (5)

  • Miss Elaina: Awesome!
  • Goofy: Hmm. Those don't look very much like tents. Where's the inside part for sleeping?
  • Daniel: We'll have to set them up first!
  • Minnie: Uh-oh! There are not enough tents for everyone to have. There are only 3 tents. And there's 12 of us!
  • Donald: Aw, nuts!
  • Daisy: It'll be okay, Donald.
  • Prince Wednesday: We can share! 4 friends can share 1 tent.
  • Mickey: I think you’re onto something, Prince Wednesday! (takes a tent) I’ll go with this tent.
  • Minnie: (takes a tent) And I’ll go with this one.
  • Goofy: (takes a tent) And I'll take this one! It matches my hat. A-hyuck! Green!
  • Mickey: OK, next! Come on, Pluto, Daniel, Neighbor, you three are with me.
  • Pluto: (barks)
  • Daisy: Oh, goody! I’ll camp with Minnie, Katerina, and Miss Elaina.
  • O: Guess that just leaves me, Prince Wednesday, Donald, and Goofy, hoo hoo!
  • Goofy: Yeah! We're all tent buddies!
  • Donald: Aw, phooey! I don't need a tent buddy! I can do it myself!
  • Prince Wednesday: But, Donald, camping with friends is better than camping all by yourself.
  • Donald: Oh, OK! I’ll try!
  • Goofy: Yippee! (motions to give Donald a hug) Come here, you knucklehead-tent-buddies!
  • (Goofy, Donald, O, and Prince Wednesday all shared a group hug.)
  • Donald: OK, OK. Don't make such a big deal about it!
  • Y/n: Alright, Clubhouse Campers, let’s make camp! (to the audience) That's another way campers say "Let's set up our tents!".
  • (Mickey's camp team went to set up their camp.)
  • Daniel: OK, let's go!
  • (Mickey rolled out the tent, revealing two poles.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (6)

  • Y/n: Now let's set up the tent!
  • (Mickey threw the tent at the two poles, but they fell over.)
  • Y/n: That doesn't look right.

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (7)

  • Daniel: Let's see. (reads the instructions) According to the diagram, these two tent poles have to be the exact same height.
  • Pluto: [pulls out the two tent poles] (barks)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (8)

  • Y/n: They're uneven. One's a lot taller than the other.
  • Mickey: I bet that's why our tent fell over. It's not balanced!
  • Daniel: We need to make our tent poles the exact same height.
  • Y/n: Let's cut down the longer pole so it can match the shorter pole.
  • Pluto: (barks)
  • Daniel: Right, Pluto! Let's use a Mouseketool!
  • Mickey: Say, "Oh, Toodles!"
  • Daniel & Y/n: Oh, Toodles!
  • Pluto: (barks "Oh, Toodles!")
  • (After calling out for Toodles, he flew in.)

Mouseketool moment #1

  • Daniel: Which Mouseketool can we use to cut the longer tent pole? (pause)
  • Y/n: How's about the woodpecker? They peck holes in trees to look for bugs. And it can cut the pole.
  • Mickey: We got ears, say "cheers!"
  • (The woodpecker pecked the long pole to make it even with the small pole.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (9)

  • Mickey: Thanks, Mr. Woodpecker!
  • Daniel: Now the tent poles are even!
  • (Mickey's camp team set up their tent.)
  • Mickey: Alright, fellas! Now our tent is perfectly balanced!
  • (A flag popped up with Mickey’s icon on it.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (10)

  • Daniel: Yes! We set up our tent!

Minnie's team build their tent

  • Mickey: Come on! Let's see how Minnie, Daisy, Katerina, and Miss Elaina are doing setting up theirs.
  • (Mickey's camp team went to see Minnie's camp team.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (11)

  • Miss Elaina: (shows the instructions) Look at this, toots! Our tent is gonna be shaped like a dome.
  • Y/n: Domes are like one half of a ball.
  • Minnie: And watch how easy it is to set it up!
  • (Minnie set up their dome tent.)
  • Daisy: Oh, goody! That was easy!
  • (The dome tent suddenly deflated.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (12)

  • Katerina: Uh-oh! Now it's like a balloon with no air in it, meow meow!
  • Daisy: Hmph! Not goody!
  • Minnie: Oh, dear! We need something to blow air back in our tent.
  • Miss Elaina: Let's try a Mouseketool!
  • Mickey: Good idea! Everybody say...
  • All: Oh, Toodles!
  • (After calling out for Toodles, he flew in.)

Mouseketool moment #2

  • Miss Elaina: Which Mouseketool can we use to blow air into our tent? (pause)
  • Y/n: The leaf blower! We can use it like an air compressor for bouncy houses.
  • Mickey: We got ears, say "cheers!"
  • (The leaf blower puffed up the tent.)
  • Miss Elaina: Boomerific! Ours is all set!
  • (A flag popped up with Minnie’s bow on it.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (13)

  • Daisy: Goody-goody again! We set up our camp!

Goofy, O, and Prince Wednesday team up with Pete/Goofy's team build their tent

  • Goofy: (O.S.) Oops!
  • Donald: (O.S.) Aw, Goofy!
  • Prince Wednesday: (O.S.) Well, that's not right!
  • Katerina: That didn’t sound good, meow meow.
  • Daniel: Let's go see.
  • (Mickey and Co went to Goofy's camp team, who was having trouble setting up their camp.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (14)

  • O: (from under the tent) Who turned out the lights, hoo hoo?
  • Goofy: Sorry, fellas! Setting up camp is trickier than I thought. A-hyuck!
  • Prince Wednesday: I can imagine.
  • Donald: That's it! I quit! I can do this by myself! (grabs his own tent)
  • O: But, camping alone isn't as nifty galifty as camping together, Donald, hoo hoo!
  • Donald: (walks away) Yeah, well, we’ll see about that.
  • Goofy: Aw, shucks! We lost one of our tent buddies!
  • Prince Wednesday: Now there's only 3 of us on our team.
  • Pete: Make that 4, Prince Wednesday! I wanna earn a Clubhouse Camp Out Badge, too! I'll be your tent buddy, buddies!
  • O: Now that's nifty galifty, hoo hoo!
  • Goofy: Yeah! Pete's gonna be our tent buddy-buddy!
  • Pete: Now, well, no. I'll just be your tent buddy, um, buddy.
  • Goofy: Yippee! Even better! A tent-buddy-um-buddy.
  • Prince Wednesday: Okay, then.
  • Pete: So, anybody got a diagrammatical thinga-mahoo to show what this tent's supposed to look like?

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (15)

  • Prince Wednesday: (holds instructions) Our tent is supposed to look like this. Like an upside down ice cream cone. And we just need one tent pole to hold it up.
  • Goofy: Hey! We don't even have a tent pole for this here tent! How are we supposed to hold up the tent without a pole?
  • Pete: Now, take it easy, tent-buddy-um-buddy! Let's try using one of them fancy-schmancy Mouseke-zools!
  • Prince Wednesday: (giggles) I think you mean Mouseketools, Pete. And sure, we'll try one of those! Let's all say...
  • All: Oh, Toodles!
  • (After calling out for Toodles, he skips on the water.)

Mouseketool moment #3

  • O: Which one of our Mouseketools can we use to hold up the middle of our tent, hoo hoo?
  • Prince Wednesday: Well, a metal pot won’t hold our tent. It's not shaped like a pole.
  • Pete: All right! That means we get to pick the Mystery Mouseketool!
  • Mickey: Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool!"
  • All: Mystery Mouseketool!
  • Mickey: What’s today’s Mystery Mouseketool? (pause)
  • (The Mystery Mouseketool was revealed to be a bunch of balloons.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (16)

  • Y/n: Balloons! We can tie them up on the TOP of the tent.
  • Pete: That’s a smart idea there, kid!
  • Mickey: We got ears, say "cheers!"
  • (The balloons held up the tent like a teepee.)
  • O: Wow! The balloons are making our tent stand up, hoo hoo!
  • Pete: Now we got us a campsite! Gotta love those Mouseketools, huh?
  • Goofy: Good job!
  • (A flag popped up with Goofy and Pete's faces on both sides.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (17)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (18)

  • Goofy: Handsome!
  • Pete: It is handsome!

Catching junk at Circle Lake/Waking Willie up

  • Daniel: Now that all our camps are set up, we're halfway to getting our Camp Out Badges!
  • Mickey: Come on, let's go down to Circle Lake and catch some gooey fish!
  • Pluto: (barks)
  • Katerina: Yeah, you're right, Pluto. Donald’s setting up his own tent, meow meow!
  • Y/n: Well, I hope he's doing as well as we are.
  • (Meanwhile, Donald was setting up his own camp.)
  • Donald: (huffs) I can make my own camp!

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (19)

  • Donald: (as a flag with underpants popped up) Ta-da! What do you think about that? (looks around) Hey! Where is everybody?
  • (A Handy Helper pointed to Circle Lake, where Mickey and Co were about to fish for gooey fish.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (20)

  • Donald: Well, if they can fish, so can I!
  • Y/n: OK, Campers! Each of your teams will have to catch 1 gooey fish.
  • Goofy: (as he and the others cast their fishing lines) Well, let's go fishing!
  • Mickey: (gets a bite) I got something!
  • Minnie: (gets a bite) Oh! Me too!
  • Goofy: (gets a bite) Me three!

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (21)

  • Daniel: (fishes out a tire) An old tire?
  • Y/n: Well, I sure am TIREd of that!

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (22)

  • Katerina: (fishes out a boot) Ew! A stinky boot, meow meow!
  • Y/n: It, uh, wasn’t meant for swimming.

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (23)

  • Pete: Hey, those are my underpants! [grabs his underpants] (stammers) I mean to say, whose underpants are those, I wonder?
  • O: Not a single gooey fish is here, hoo hoo.

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (24)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (25)

  • Miss Elaina: (spots Willie’s feet on the canal) Well, no wonder there’s no gooey fish coming! Willie's big feet are blocking the canal.
  • Goofy: And none of the gooey fish can get past his giant feet! They can't swim around him!
  • Y/n: (pokes Willie's arm) Come on, you, get up! Come on!
  • Goofy: We can’t wake him up that way. I'm betting we need to use a Mouseke-foot-- Uh, I mean, a Mouseketool to wake him up!
  • O: Good idea, Goof, hoo hoo!
  • Mickey: Everybody say...
  • All: Oh, Toodles!
  • (After calling out for Toodles, he flew past Willie.)

Mouseketool moment #4

  • Daniel: All that's left is the metal pot.
  • Y/n: Pots make a clanging sound like a drum! Willie will wake up by the sound of a clang.
  • Mickey: We picked all our Mouseketools! Say, "super cheers!"
  • (Mickey banged the pot to wake Willie up.)
  • Willie: (wakes up) It’s all my wittle fwiends!
  • Prince Wednesday: Hey, Willie! Could you lift up your feet up from the canal so the gooey fish can get to Circle Lake?
  • Willie: Oh, why, sure thing, Prince Wednesday!
  • (Willie moved his feet from the canal to let the gooey fish swim to Circle Lake.)
  • Willie: Glad I could help!
  • Daniel: Now, let's get back to fishing!

Catching some gooey fish

  • (Mickey and Co went back to catching gooey fish.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (26)

  • Mickey: (fishes out a gooey fish) Ooh! We got one!
  • Daniel: Tiger-tastic!

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (27)

  • Miss Elaina: (fishes out a gooey fish) Did you guys see that? We got a gooey fish, too!

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (28)

  • O: (fishes out a gooey fish) Same here, hoo hoo!
  • Donald: (O.S.) Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
  • Y/n: I guess Donald caught one, too!

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (29)

  • Katerina: (as Donald fishes out a big gooey fish) That’s one big gooey fish, meow meow!
  • (The big gooey fish made Donald’s boat run into the tents.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (30)

  • Donald: Aw, phooey!
  • Daniel: Our tents!
  • Minnie: All of our camps are ruined!
  • Donald: Aw, I'm sorry!
  • Y/n: No big deal, Donald. Accidents happen. You would've caught a big one.
  • Goofy: What're we gonna do?
  • Prince Wednesday: Yeah, we can't have a camp out without a camp!
  • Donald: Well, uh... I know! You can all come to my camp!
  • (Mickey and Co went to Donald's tent.)

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (31)

  • O: Not too bad, hoo hoo.
  • Goofy: It’s nifty galifty! A-hyuck!
  • O: (chuckles) Hey! That's my line, hoo hoo!
  • Katerina: Are you sure you want all of us to share your campsite, meow meow?
  • Donald: Well, you know what they say: ♪ Sharing with you is fun for me, too. ♪
  • All: ♪ Sharing with you is fun for me, too. ♪
  • Mickey: Aw, thanks, Donald!
  • (Daisy kissed Donald.)
  • Daniel: This turned out to be a great camp out!
  • Mickey: We set up our tents! And we fished for gooey fish!
  • Miss Elaina: And Donald even caught the biggest one of all!
  • Daisy: For a couple of seconds!
  • Katerina: Well, it's a start, meow meow!

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (32)

  • Mickey: And that means we all get our Clubhouse Camp Out Badges!
  • Minnie: ♪ Mickey's campout, big event ♪
  • Donald & Pete: ♪ Doo-dah, doo-dah ♪
  • Mickey: ♪ To get a badge, we put up a tent ♪
  • Donald & Pete: ♪ Oh, de-doo-dah day ♪
  • Daisy: ♪ We caught some gooey-fish ♪
  • Goofy: ♪ Yum, they were delish ♪
  • All: ♪ A campout badge is fun to get ♪
  • Donald & Pete: ♪ Oh, de-doo-dah day ♪
  • Daniel: (to the audience) Thanks for joining us on our Clubhouse Camp Out, Neighbor! Camping is really fun! (puts his arm around Donald) Especially with your neighbors!
  • Donald: You said it, Daniel!
  • Daniel: (hugs the camera) Ugga Mugga!
  • (End of episode.)

Season 2

Fancy Dancin' Goofy | Goofy the Homemaker | Mickey's Handy Helpers | Goofy Baby | Minnie's Picnic | Goofy in Training | Mickey's Big Band Concert | Goofy's Hat | Donald's Special Delivery | Clarabelle's Clubhouse Carnival | Mickey and Minnie's Jungle Safari | Mickey's Camp Out | Daisy's Pet Project | Mickey's Big Job | Mickey's Round-Up | Pluto's Bubble Bath | Mickey's Art Show | Mickey's Silly Problem | Mickey's Thanks a Bunch Day | Secret Spy Daisy | Pluto to the Rescue | Sir Goofs-a-Lot | Minnie's Mystery | Mickey's Comet | Clarabelle's Clubhouse Mooo-sical | Minnie's Rainbow | Space Captain Donald | The Friendship Team | Mickey's Message from Mars | Pete's Beach Blanket Luau | Donald's Ducks | Goofy's Coconutty Monkey | Choo-Choo Express | Minnie's Bee Story | Pluto's Playmate | Mickey and the Enchanted Egg | Goofy Goes Goofy | Mickey's Adventures in Wonderland | Goofy's Super Wish | Mickey's Big Surprise

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Mickey's Camp Out/Transcript (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.