The Belleville Telescope from Belleville, Kansas (2024)

Fill! KIR 4 and The foUowkg residents of Belleville Vicinity are using the II A. Babco*ck. Mm W. W. T.

Dilloa. Mrt. G. L. Stubblefield.

S. T. Stevenfon. A. E.

Taylor. Jamei Young. BJ. Dawson. II, E.

WHIN CO, 'TALMO KM, You want boys clothing! E. A. Fulcomer, Ed Brooki. Chat. Culrer.

hon. v. sapp of Galena Will speak at Belleville Oct. 6 at 8 p. m.

J.C. Jumphrey, and others. New goods received every day at the Racket store, Hon: W. F. Sapp will speak at Bell-ville Oct.

6, at eight p. m. Plows to exchange for corn. See Williams, Bel ley ills Kansas. Born To Mr.

and Mrs. James O'-Lary, on Monday Oct. 28, a girl. Flour at McPhersona from 50c. to 95c per sack, special prices on large lots.

Hon. Webb McNall, Free Bilyer Republican, will speak at Bcandia Oct. 8, at 7-30. Mr. L.

B. Rupert of White Rock tp. was in the city on business on Monday last. Billy Moore is reported to have made a fine talk to the people of Union Valley last Thursday. Rev.

C. C. Rowley of Carrolton Iowa is visiting his brother Wm. of Jefferson and Charles of Clyde this week. Mies Myrtle Penfieid leaves Tuesday for Chicago where she goes to spend the winter with ber aunt at that place.

Hon. Joseph G. Lowe will speak at the court bouse in Belleville on the evening of Oct. 6th, also Hon. W.

F. Sapp of Galena. (toly Standard Steel Range in the I Built to last a life time A pertect system of heating water, coal and wood grate combined, We can supply you cheaper than you ever bought the same kind of goods' Please let us show you what we have Knee Pant Suite $1.00 i i i i A A i i A A i i i i i WEBB MCNALL Free Silver Republican will speak at Sc andia Oct. 8 at 7:30 The most prodigious sale ot any cook- in? apprattus ever put on the market, 250,000 put into use the ast four ye ars. Hot baths at Elliott's barber shop 15 cents.

Sea Thompson's new add in this weeks paper. All kinds of school supplies at the Racket store, A fine line of men's horse hide shoes at the Racket store. For pickling onions.eall on or address D. C. Mills, Belleville Kansas.

Mrs. James Pringle went to Lawrence on Monday last to visit her son at that place. The Fbeevak editor talked to the people of Lincoln on Thursday night Sept. 24: Bruce Cuthberson was in the city on Tuesday, the first time for two or three weeks as be has been quite ill. Mr.

Geo. Munger who has been working in Kansas City the past two weeks returned home on Friday last, J. Shimek of Cuba, has bought the large brick building owned by Hoard and Terpening, and formerly ocenpied by Joe Barnett. W.A. Mosher, candidate for State Senator on the United Silver ticket will speak at Cuba on Saturday Oct.

3, at seven p. m. Rey. C. C.

Rowley of Carrolton Iowa, will preach next Sabbath at the Christian church morning and evening at the usual hours. Miss Georgia Sheldon receive! a dispatch on Friday that ber brother who was confined in the asylum had died at that institution at Topeka. Decorated Japanese tea pots given away with every pound of tea. The best on the market and of the new crop. Call at the Racket store.

A hacking cough is not only annoying to others, but is dangerous to the person who has it. One Minute Cough Cure will quickly put an end to it. For Sale by W. T. Doherty.

Editor Addington of the Narka News waa a caller on Saturday. He was in the city on business connected with the adoption of County uniformity of books. above, inspect themj Make an inquiry of some of the no other. You will find them at buy 3Si Do you need a suit cleaned or pressed FRANK POSTER wewill do it cheap and good as anyone. Come in and see us just for fun.

nyciqji arjjgc ijjt gfjpjxr'jFSjjp. Bursty: jqp: Jjyt- jjr jyr of Sapreme Delong, The Tailor. On Saturday night the 26th there was candidate for Justice court Call at the Racket store and examine THE FREEMAN. a charade party and taffy-pulling at shoes before buying. "Will speak at Are yon thinking of buying a watch? Mr.

Henry Gile's. It was well attended, and the young folks report a good time. Bellivillb, Kansas Oct 1 Oct. 9. Belleville Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! We feel very sure we can sell you the best shoes, for the price we ask, that you have ever been able to buy.

Our stock is not very large but you can get just as good a shoe and just as good a fit, and one that will satisfy you in every way, as well 83 if we Bold nothing but shoes. We sell lots of different things at our store and to those who are not acquainted with our priees we ask you to kindly compare us and every worth of trade from you we shall try to make it please you. We want ill the poultry, eggs, and Butter we can get and you may be sure of tb best price the day you come. Yours Truly, A.EWhan&Co. Talmo Kan, If so Harley L.

Pierce will give you a special prices for the next 20 days. Rev. Matthews is attending the B. You will find my stock of hardware Y. P.

U. Association at Junction City Official alliance paper OF REPUBLIC COUNTY this week and on account of his absence there will be no pleaching at the Bap and farm machinery complete and you can depend on getting bottom prices on everything E. Wiixums. tist church. OFFICIAL CITY PAPER.

OF BELLEVILLE, KAS. Mr. C. Huntzainger and wife, and We will make you a good pair of pants for $3 something you will not be Mr. A.

Morrow and wife of Labon Jewell county are visiting this week ashamed of. Come and giye us a trial and be convinced. at 2 p. m. JOHN M.

DOYLE candidate for Representative and H. N.BOYD Will speak at Cuba Saturday Oct. 3 at 7:30 p.m. with Mr. Wm McCullough and family of Freedom tp.

Pelong, The Tailor. DIME SOCIAL. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is an J.H. Smith of Farmington tp. spent antiseptic, soothing and healing application for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, and cures piles like magic It instantly etoDs pain.

For sale by W. Doherty. two or three months in and Ark What? When Where? By whom? For whom? Apple Social. Friday evening Oct. 9.

Dr. Billingsleys home. Epworth League: 1 You. Z. A.

WADE, DENTIST. Teeth on the different bases including ontiQnons GnmEPonmley Brown System of rown and Bridge work; the latest and best. work warranted- ansas the present summer and return ed two weeks ago: He does not lue We will make you a sack suit if you that country first rate, but Kansas A. P. or the Why? To get theB.

better. L. A. P. or the N.

A. P. furnish trimmings and cloth for (10. or complete trimming and work for Be on time Come Miss Mollie Kuchera visited her par $13.50. Delonq, The Tailor.

ents on Sunday, Miss Mollie Is teaching TO THE PUBLIC. On and after this date I will sell goods Mr. J. J. Shimek of Cuba and Hon.

at the Tabor School house and has 30 W. TURNER The Silver tongued Free Silver orator Joan Brown talked at the Day school scholars under the age of 13. Mias Kuchera is a very successful and popu 0. H. LUTES M.

strictly for cash and cash only. It is a fact that merchants who sell goods on house on Tuesday night the 22nd. We did not learn any particulars but both gentlemen are capable of making good lar teacher. time meet with aloes. And that loss will speak at the following, named places on the dates given; Talmo October 19.

Cuba "20. John M. Doyle the next Represen talks. has to be overcome in some way. How is it to be done? There is only one way DENTIST.

HowatMc Piifsiciaa Calderhead failed to explain to the Narka 21; and that is by adding a certain precent KA NSA BELLEVILLE people of Cuba last week, how the 50c. tative ot this county made a fine talk to the people of Rose Creek on Thursday night Sept. 24. Miss Eleanora Harris also talked in a very interesting manner and carried the conviction with ber that she was qualified to fill to the selling price of your goods, And then the people who pay cash, pay for Opera house Belleville Kan- Belleville (afternoon 2:30) 22; Scandia "23. Courtland (afternoon 2.30) 24.

dollar could be worth 100c. to the mine owner, but be did tell them that in his JsChronlc Diseases a Specialty. the goods that some one else is using. This is not right and for this reason Teeth extracted without pain. Teeth on gold aluminum and rubber plates.

Crown and bridge work esDecially. All work wurrented to be first class. fSExamination free. The committees of the places named opinion an international agreement can never be accomplished, thepoBition to which she aspires. and one other, which is, that I am not will designate the hour.

If they do not ROOMS NEWLY FDBSISHED. BATES MODKBATI Clean up your poultry house for the all will be at 7.30 except Belleville and able to bey my goods right and sell Mr. Mosher candidate for Senator Courtland which will be a2'30. and Mies Harris candidate for Super winter and give the nests and roosts a thnronoh Daintinsr with Liquid Lice them on time. I have decided to adopt this system, and from this time on intendent will be in Cuba on Saturdav If you have ever seen a little child in I will make prices on every thing jnat New Livery Barn First Class Feed and Livery.

the agony of summer complaint, you night. The committee desires all the candidates to be present whenever pos exterminator sold by I. V. Hardy. GO TO THE RED FLAG MINE! as close as it is possible to sell good re' can realize the danger of the.

trouble liable goods for. Thanking all for past sible at these meetings. and appreciate the value of lnstantan Big Coal No wet coal and no dirt- patronage and asking a continuance of Hush McGowan. who has been in MADAMS HOUSED European Hotel. ROOMS 50, 75, and $10O 1032jUnion Oppisite Ladies Entrance Union Depot KANSAS CITY, MO.

eous relief always afforded by DeWitt's Colic Cholera Cure. For dysentery the same. I am with regards No shoveling Good lodging and Brown county returned last bunaay He reports that corn is an immense and diarrhoe it is a reliable remedy Yours very Respectfully, D.C. Deal. stables for those who stay over night Drive in to our mine.

crop ana Bryan men are mumpijiun 0mm We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless it were a cure. Agent Prof. G. M.Culyer of Beloit is in town like leaves on the trees. He says Goy.

Whan Kirk, Mineraville Kansas- Morrill will not be in it In Brown Co. tins week visiting old friend. W. T. Doherty.

Five debates have been arranged by Take your poultry to McPherson's Several Belleville people were at An Interstate Rally of the Free Silver the county committees between Messrs store, south side sjuare, and get the Hebron on Monday to attend the rally. John M. Doyle and Thomas Arbuthnot. Clubs of Kansas and Nebraska will be held at Hardy Nebr. Oct.

1st in Parkers Opposite Hotel Uzpiiblic. JOHN STUDLEY. highest market price for them. They all unite in saying it was the largest crowd that they ever saw at one The first at Republic City Oct. the grove.

Mrs. Anna Diggs, Hon. Peter Anderson has opened a restu next at Narka the I2th; Cuba the 13th; time either in Kas. or Nebr. Senator rant in the old Weaver stand and is W.

Turner, ex-minister to Spain under Belleville I4lh; Courtland the 15th Allen, Judge Stark and others spoke President Harnsen and W. H. Thomp prepared to give meals on short order Let there be a turn out, for one man or in the afternoon and others at night. son the Little Giant of Nebr. are ex lunches at all times.

ALEX, JAMES, Subscribe for The KANSAS CIT1 WORLD. One 4.00 Three months 1.00 ZTThe World 13 the largest paper published in Kansas City. the other must voice Republic Co, in The bovs say you can count Nebraska Dected. Addresses will be made at It) In a recent letter to the manufactur for Bryan sure. a.

m. and 2 p. m. Good music will be the Legislature next winter. Prices of Flour.

ers Mr. W. J). Benjamin, editor of the Utett anfl Me. thfcre and every body is inyited to come On Friday of last week as the freight Golden Bell per sack 80cts, from Fairbury wrs approaching Belle Spectator, Rushford, N.

says: ''It may be a pleasure to you to know the high esteem in which Chamberlain's iiorti east corner jullic snare and listen to these noted orators, By order of Committee ville it was wrecked at a point 3 1-2 Red Bell Blue Belli miles east of this place. The train Cash paid on subscription to date medicines are held by the people of was pulling besides a number of freight vour own state, where they must be since our last issue; Imperial Nimble Nickel mm ite as onow 50c ta. cars two mogul engines of the largest best known. An aunt of mine, who re 45cts. size intended for use on the Rio Grand sides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to LD Oliver $100 Arthur Guy 1 50 Costolo 2 00 A Mosher 1 00 Ry.

They were six driver 75 ton eng' 45cts: 35cts. Rye Flour Shorts per lOOlba Bran Graham flour, cam meal, corn grits. Come and see Be MUD'S ines and it is supposed that the first visit me a few years since, and before leaving home wrote me, asking if they were sold here, stating if they were not she would bring a quantity with her, wheat and one spread the tracks and the second us if you could not follow. Neyertheless it tried want large lots. We guarantee to to and tore ud the ties and earth for as she did not like to be without them The medicines referred to are Cham till oiiij mum please all patrons.

Belleville Milling Co sixty rods and then jumped the track The track at this point was a fill near Henry Bott .85 Dickeruoof 1 00 A Brewer 1 00 Geo. Wilcox 1 00 Allen Millen 50 A Murphy 1 00 Look over the list as given above and if any amount or name is wrong berlain's Couch Remedy, famous for its cures of colds and croup; Chamber ly 20 feet high and the engine stopped about half way down and was almost buried In the dirt. Four cars and the From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a Godsend to the afflicted. There is no advertisem*nt Iain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame back, pains in the side and chest, and ADVOCATE One car containing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera andDiar The Topeka about this we feel just like Baying it. The Democrat, Carrollton, Ky.

For Best 1 World an emigrant and his two little bojrs rhcea Remedy for bowel complaints. with all their house-hold goods, horses let me know it at once. If the paper at an7 time fails to reach you, or your name seems to be dropped write or come and see us No mans name is dropped becae he is behind unless These medicines have been in constant Offimnl state natier, etc. The horses were thrown around use in Iowa for almost a quarter of sale by Armstrong Co. Jno.

W. Leedy Sept. 30, and' badly injured as the car turned the leading family news and peoples century. The people have learned that thev are articles of great worth and clear over on its side. A sheep and ordered.

TRY IT. Write for our Cook Book FREE. Fair-port N.Y calf tflat were tied to the side of the merit, and unequaled by any other Hon. John M. Doyle and the Free at Belleville.

car were found hanging by their necks They are for sale here by Armstrong man editor spoke to a large and enthu party paper oi Jans The and Advocate together at $1.70 per year if sub-criptions are taken at this office. when an entrance was made to the car Co. elastic crowd of Populists, Free Silver Call on Culver south side square for the best cold Swaged machine needles best quality sewing machine oil, bands as their side of the car was up. The sheep made aee line fr the north as Frank Sweeney got his wrist broken at Manhattan on Monday night. Frank is braking on the local freight.

His foot slipped and he fell. It was a close Republicans and Democrats at Chester on the night of Sept. 25. The meeting was presided over by Thos. Faitb, an old comrade and member of the editors shuttles bobbins and supplies ofail kind furnished.

Sewing machines of varl ous kinds at hard time prices from $6 Earlfiy L. Pierce call for him, regiment. Mr. Faiths father a mem' soon as released. It wna the first free wool noticed in this c.uunty since the passage of the Wilson iSill.

The old gentleman and the boys were shook up but not hurt. The road was cleared in a few hours for trains and Sunday up, Pianos, the well known Mary ber of the same regiment was killed by Do yon want a suit, come in and get KIENPIC OlTICIAS WW field, unexcelled for beauty and sweet a cannon ball near Farmington Tenn one made at hard time prices, no fit no in 1SC2. A half mile of torch lights ness of tone. Call and examine them, also the Western Cottago and other pay. Dblong, The Tailor afternoon the mogul was rolled to the ll -is Sclenti10 ti TRAD MARK.

Msa DE8ICN PATENT CIVHTSi TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENT were carried in the processon many of Oreans at prices commensurate with Eyes tested FREE, and every pair of glasses guaranteed to fit. which were borne by Kansas and Neb. bottom of the hill, packed np and new track laid under it clear np to Many a day's work is lost by sick headache, caused by indigestion and the times. Dont forget it now and at raska ladles and gentleman.

The low traveling Agents to ucre you as in Freeman editor spoke to a well filled recent cases, but if you anticipate buy stomach troub'es. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the most effectual pill fnr overcomine such difficulties. For opera house on the night of Sept. 20 ins anything in our lines call around COPYRIGHTS, etoi at Hnbbell Nebraska on the Btate line CASTOR I A The Hubbell Glee Club composed of and see fr yoursulves. E.

CcLvgn, South Sido Squaro point on the main line, and then taken on to it and back to the shops. wreck was a novelty and hundreds went out to see it from all over the county. Elsewhere will be found a list of appointments for this county so far ae knojvn to us. This column will be changed and continued daring the cam- sale by W. T.

Doherty. Mrs. L. A. Everts and Miss Bell Walton leave Sunday for Kansna City.

Af young ladies famished some excellent For Infants and Children. music, Miss Johnson and a gentleman Cut It Vireaver baa moved into tlio build FOTlTiformBtlmiwi'Hroenardbooit write to i Every rmttrit Uikpn out 1 uj trou beforo the pufaUo 1T 8'" 9 ebamo in ITwrt etiwlitflm rf mr wtontlfle PTWTfp Juan be without lu Weekly. JM.0 Jpoi-i month A'lilnii, jNN C'J viiuwutSolitfuaawitfiMwXwkCltjr, ing ut it to. lIoBtulici'g and is prepared to ter a few days spent there they wui go to St, Joe. where they will order the latest Btjiea in the millinery depart whose name we failed to get furnished instrumental music, and the Narka double quartette who.are notedfot their tive luLclifco, hot cufico etc.

Drop in when eigr.ttata ment. in the city. 4 w. excellent singintfmade the rafters ring, paign as dates are furnished ua,.

The Belleville Telescope from Belleville, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.