The Item from Sumter, South Carolina (2025)

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The Itemi

Sumter, South Carolina

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MONDAY MAY 232005 CLASSIFIED CSttem PAGE 7B £4 th Mobile Home Lot Rentals Resort Rentals Timeshare Office Rentals Business Rentals Warehouse Commercial Rentals Acreage-Farm Rentals Miscellaneous Rentals jtSTteaaesi Real Estate Wanted Hopies For Sale Manufactured Housing Mobile Homes with Lots Mobile Home Lots For Sale Farm Acreage Land Lots For Sale Commercial Industnal Beach Property Lake Property Resort Property Timeshare 4 ft fi mkicy i Flooring Health SennceMedical Heating Air Conditioning Home Builders Home Decorating Home Improvements Insulation Investments Jamtonal Service Lawn Service Legal Service Money to Lend Moving Storage Mobile Home Movers Musical Service Notary Service Painting Sign PamtingDecals Plumbing Pool Service Roofing Security Systems Septic Tank Cleaning Tax Service Tree Service TV VCR Repair Cleaning Satellite Sales Service Wallpapenng Welding Wrecker Service Birds Cats Dogs Fish HorsesPomes Livestock Pets Poultry Livestock SuppliesServices Pet SuppliesServices poqJtWTs 8 am Deadline Weekdays Noon for the following day Weekends 10 am Fn for Sat and noon Fn for Sun and Mon editions Private Party Rates 4 Lines1 day $11 60 4Lines3 days $17 22 4 Lmes5 days $22 75 4 Lines7 days $28 26 Commercial accounts real estate rentals financial employment and instructions categories do not apply All CHANGES and CANCELLATIONS must be made by noon for the next day edition For weekends noon Friday We will be happy to change your ad if an error is made however we are not responsible for errors after the first run day We shall not be liable for any loss or expense that results from the printing or omission of an advertisement We reserve the right to edit refuse or cancel any ad at any time By placing an advertisement in The Item you agree that the advertisement as ft appears In the newspaper will become the property of The Item You assign all ownership interest in the advertisement as li appears pnnt under the Copyright Act or otherwise to The Hem You can still place a similar advertisement in other media Want to Buy Appliances Auctions Cameras Accessones Coins Currency Stamps Computer Equipment Farm Equipment Tractors Farm Products Furniture Furnishings Garage Yard Sales Jewelry Lawn Garden Nursery Medical Supplies For Sale or Trade Antiques Collectibles Musical Instruments Sporting Goods Utility Buildings Video Games Weanng Apparel XJ63KE3 i Help Wanted Full-Time Help Wanted Part-Time Trucking Opportunities Medical Help Wanted Career Services Schools Instructional Jobs Wanted iSUsasa Want to Rent Rental to Share Rooms For Rent Furnished Apartments Unfurnished Apartments Furnished Homes Unfurnished Homes Mobile Home Rentals 5 LEGAL NOTCES That John James III Esquire 126 North Main Street Post Office Box 580 Sumter South Carolina 29151 has been appointed as Guardian ad Litem Nisi for all defendants impleaded herein who may be infants or under other legal disability The original Summons Complaint Notice of Pendency of Action Order of Publication and Order Appointing John James III Esquire as Guardian ad Litem Nisi were field in the Office of the Clerk of Court of Common Plfeas for Sumter County on the 19th day of May 2005 NOTICE Legal Notices Happy Ads Announcements Cants of thanks Bundles of Joy Entertainment Tickets Lost Found 5 Monuments Cemetery Lots Personals Travel Opportunities In Memory Accounting Bookkeeping Appliance Service Auto Glass Upholstery Auto Service Brick Work Business Opportunities Business Services Cabinets Cake Decorating Carpentry Carpet Cleaning Carpet Installation Child Care Chimney Sweep Clock Repair Concrete Cosmetology Barber Demolition Hauling Dressmaking Drywall Electrical Services Exterminators Fencing Financial Service Dumping no trxia SUMMONS NOTICE OF FILING NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AO LITEM NISI IN THE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS FOR THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CIVIL ACTION NO: 200S-CP-4B-S88 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF SUMTER DwM Osteon Sr vs HoHmmI or xt of kin dsvlMSE and mlgm and tba hairs naxt of Mil davteaaa of In or Han upon tha raal aatata daaerlbad In tha Comptalfit and Ira Maxfna Alford Shlrfay Lavy Daborah TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this Action of which a copy is herewith served upon you and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Complaint upon the subscriber at 305 North Main Street Post Office Drawer 3690 Sumter South Carolina 29151 within thirty (30) days after the service hereof exclusive of the day of such service Ifyoufailto answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid Plaintiff will apply tot he Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint and 4 I ft NOTICES' boundaries and measurements as will appear by reference to said plat This property bears Sumter County Tax Map Parcel No 157-07-03-009 This is the same property conveyed unto Sylbil Hedden by deed recorded 5498 In the RMC ROD COC Office for Sumter County in Volume 704 at Page 1128 Property Addrsss: 101 Palm Springs Dr WBdgoflaldSC 29188 TMS 157-07-03-009 December 27 2004 Jay Anderson William Campbell Attorneys for the Plaintiff 2838 Devine Street Suite 103 Post Office Box 23785 (29224) Columbia SC 29205 Phone (803)256-6227 Fax (803)256-6229 SUMMONS IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DOCKET NO: 2003-DR-4S-1316 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF SUMTER Loonfd Bartlatta and Eaatar Loratta Bartlstta PMntHfa vs Klmbarty Dawn Cuaata Julio Nalaon Cuaata and Wayna Odom TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Amended Complaint herein a copy of which is herewith served upon you and to serve a copy of your Answer to this Amended Complaint upon the subscriber at the address shown below within thirty (30) days after the service hereof exclusive of the day of such service and if you fail to answer the Amended Complaint judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded the Amended Complaint A Merits Hearing is scheduled for August 16 17 18 2005 beginning at 9 30 AM at the Sumter County Family Court Sumter April 21 2005 ATKINSON A DAVIS ATTYS BY: TH Davis III Attorney for Plaintiffs 19 East Calhoun Street Box 1665 Sumter 29151 (803) 775-6013 To Place An Ad Call 774-1234 (csb EH 5 LEGAL NOTICES judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint If you fail to answer the Compliant within the time aforesaid not less than ten (10) days after the time for answering has elapsed Plaintiff will apply for an order referring all issues in this action whether matters of fact or law or both to the Master in Equity for Sumter County and for a hearing before him who shall ener final judgment DATED at Sumter South Carolina this 19th day of May 2005 TO ALL OP THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS INCLUSIVE OF ALL PERSONS UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT TITLE ESTATE INTEREST IN OR LIEN UPON THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT INCLUSIVE OF SUCH PERSONS WHETHER INFANTS OR UNDER OTHER LEGAL DISABILITY AND IN THE CASE OF INFANTS UNDER THE AGE OF FOURTEEN (14) YEARS OR PERSONS MENTALLY INCOMPETENT TO THEIR PARENTS OR THE PERSONS WITH WHOM THEY RESIDE OR THEIR CONSERVATOR IF THEY HAVE ONE: TAKE NOTICE that unless you apply for the appointment of a Guardian ad Litem within thirty (30) days after the service of this notice upon you exclusive of the date of service application will be made in your behalf by the Plaintiff in this action for the appointment of Guardian ad Litem to represent yyur interest in said action LEGAL NOTICES Corp and Banaflclal Mortgage Co of South Carolina Dofondant(s) YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED TO ANSWER the Complaint in the abQve action notice of which is herewith served upon you and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the undersigned at his office 2838 Devine Street Suite 103 Post Office Box 23785 (zip 29224) Columbia 29205 within thirty (30) days after service upon you exclusive of the date of such service if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid judgment by default will be rendered against you for relief demanded in the Complaint NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that the original Complaint in this action was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Sumter County on the 20th day of December 2004 and amended pm February 10 2005 NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that an action has been commenced and is now pending in the Circuit Court upon the Complaint of the above named Plaintiff against Sylbil Hedden and Emergent Mortgage Corp for the purpose of foreclosing a certain mortgage of real estate heretofore given to Associates Financial Services Company of South Carolina Inc its successor and assigns by Sylbil Hedden in the amount of Seventy Six Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Nine and 51100 ($76 779 51) Dollars dated August 19 1999 recorded in the RMC ROD COC office for Sumter County on August 23 1999 in Book 750 at Page 644 Thereafter Citifinancial Mortgage Company Inc merged with Associates Financial Services Company of South Carolina Inc with Citifinancial Mortgage Company Inc being the surviving entity on account of default in the condition of said Mortgage on the following described property All that certain piece parcel and lot of land with the dwelling and improvements thereon situate lying and being in the County of Sumter State of South Carolina designated as Lot No 23 of the Palm Springs Development as shown on that certain plat of Carl Croft RLS dated October 10 1983 Said plat being recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Sumter County in Plat Book 247 at Page 996 Said Lot No 23 having such Notice of Special Meeting Tho Town qf Pino wood wilt hold a special meeting for the second public reading of Ordtnanco 4 To Raise Revenue and Adopt a Budget for the Town of Pinewood for the fiscal year ending June 30 2006 on May 24 2005 at 7:50 PM at the Pinewood Town Hall 16 Clark Street Pinewood Ordinance 4 will be available tot he public at the Pinewood Town Hall furing regular office hours irsAiNenos AMENDED SUMMONS THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO: 8003-CF-43-1261 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF SUMTER Ruth Carlisle Robertson and Am Carlisle Qrigge Plaint Ufa vs Beulah Jsan Richardson Joan St Roman Carlisle Vanca Livingston Jr Sail Updyfce I LMngston I BaUman Max Lac Bellman) Deborah MaxtawMund Baas Botty Ross tan dare John Dwight LMngaton III Steven Uvlngoton Sine Slant on JonnNor LMngston Loretta Caddy Frankie Livingston Hodgpnth Thomas LMngston Jr Robert Elizabeth Vanco LMrtg- III Anno Uvtngston i Jill Livingston Wobb Mar LMngston Thomao Cooley III Pamela Coolo Currier Sabrina Cooley Uxxlo Patrick Coolo Barbara Toole Anno Toole Al Toole Earl Tooia Lorraine Spores Carlisle McNair Mar Earls Blackmon Sr heirs at Franklin Carlisle and Mar Jana Carlisle and an other to i sought to bo partitioned Defendants TO: The Pstandanta LEGAL NOTtCES Robert Rogors and South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles Dofondant(a) TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action a copy of which is herewith served upon you and to serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned at their office 1300 Pickens Street Columbia South Carolina within thirty (30) days after service hereof upon you exclusive of the day of such service and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid or otherwise appear and defend the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the original Complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the Office of RMC for Sumter County on March 16 2005 Columbia South Carolina May 10 2005 KORN LAW FIRM PJL PO Box 11264 1300 Pickens Street Columbia SC 29211 1264 BY Betty Kline Attorneys for Plaintiff SUMMONS IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 04-CP-4S-1300 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF SUMTER Cltl Financial Mortgage Company Inc as oucooooor by merger with Associates Financial Sendee Company of South Carolina Inc Plaintiff vs 81 bit Hoddan and all other heirs at law and or diatrlbutoeo of Sybil Hodden doeonood his heirs personal rapre-sentathroe administrators executors ounces sors or assigns and an Many the id all other entitled to or through them or any of tham (as Defendants srhoaa na mss are unknown and nil other persons entitled to claim under or through them or any of them also All parsons unknown claiming an right tttlo real estate described In the Complaint herein also an unknown adults being as class designated ADVERTISERS! Best Check your ad for accuracy the FIRST day it appears While we make every effort to insure your ad is error free a mistake can happen The Item is ONLY responsible for FIRST day errors' So call us as soon as possible should a change be needed In the event of an error we will credit your account for 1 day or extend your run time by 1 day We cannot be responsible for errors AFTER the first day Classifieds 774-1234 8am Mon Fri team Miscellaneous Boats Motors Guns Ammunition Hunting Fishing Campers RVs Motor Homes Auto Rentals Mopeds Motorcycles ATVs Vans Trucks Buses 4 Wheel Dnve Autos For Sale Antiques Classic Cars Miscellaneous 'All ads must be pre-paid LEGAL NOTICES OF PENDENCY OF ACTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced and is pending in this Court upon the Complaint of the above named Plaintiff against the above named Defendants and that said action is brought pursuant to 15-53 10 through 15-53 140 Code of Laws of South Carolina (1976) said action being generally designated as Uniform Declaratory Judgment Act for the purpose of determining that the Plaintiff is the fee simple owner of the below described property and for the further purpose of barring any claims if any there be of all unknown the ring llwtt 44 mint kcpbctJ anyrfour ether tpdak orcall (803) 774-1234 presents 1 0 ad to say: Every Tuesday between 3:00 ambnOO pm place any classified line ad and receive 12 off regular price! Between 3:00 dverSfisiii Sales ManagetfPI What you would like YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to answer the Complaint in this action a copy of which is herewith served upon you and to serve a copy of your Answer thereto on the subscribers at their office located at 1831 West Evans StreeL Suite 400 Florence South Carolina 29501 within thirty (30) days after the service hereof exclusive of the day of such service and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the ComplainL Florence South Carolina April 212005 TURNER PADOET GRAHAM LANEY JL BY Michael Roberts Pierce Campbell Post Office Box 5478 1831 Evans Street Fourth Floor Florence SC 29502 5478 (843) 862 9008 Attorneys for Plaintiff SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF FILING OF COMPLAINT (Declaratory Judgmont Action) IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CA NO: 2005-CP-43-0297 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF SUMTER Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc Plaintiff Hurry In Miss Out! The Item is seeking a qualified individual to lead the advertising department for the family-owned 22000 circulation daily newspaper This person will be responsible for managing and motivating a sales force developing strong customer relationships and increasing overall advertising revenues for the entire company Sales and management related experience required Salary bonus and benefits package included Osteen Publishing Company parent company of The Item is an equal opportunity employer Please email resume to Tacktheitemcom or fax to 803-774-1288 drop by Hie Item with your completed coupon and Mvt Fin AnlywtBlItarawHrilMCxmFaiLFHOlfcHMJ only aeTira47kriwh a the arifbul enroll intyKi mm comt by tht office to rt4m Offer 4 not afftyt The Item 20 Magnolia St Monday' Friday 70un50pm inPidhifrFEMnOiMi.

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The Item from Sumter, South Carolina (2025)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Views: 5736

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.